Donald Trump’s Dossier Report Rejected By Russian President Vladimir Putin

The Russian President Vladimir Putin stated on Tuesday that reports of U.S President-elect Donald Trump have been compromised. He further said that the allegations were untrue to undermine the legitimacy of Trump's Presidency.

This has been Putin's first direct denial of the uncertain dossier that was written by a former British Intelligence agent. It is believed that the agent was hired to compile opposition research as per Yahoo.

The uncertain record stated that Trump was compromised by Russian intelligence agents, during his visit to Moscow to hold the Miss Universe pageant in 2013. Putin further elaborated on some of the more sensational rumors in the dossier. He said that it was tough for him to imagine that Trump ran to the hotel to meet with the women of lower social responsibility reported The Washington Post.

Putin said that Russian prostitutes are best in the world but he certainly doubted that Trump went after them. He said it was "total nonsense" and the people behind this are trying to fabricate it and turn it into a political fight. He said that they were worse than prostitutes and has no ethical boundaries.

It is clear that Russia has nothing to do with the issue after the president rejected the dossier saying it was false. As they bid farewell to Obama's administration in a few days they await the new U.S administration and hope that they will have greater influence in international affairs.

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized the U.S spy agencies; the document about the president-elect was published by Buzz Feed. At the press conference when Putin addressed the gathering he said they had no idea that Trump had political ambitions when he was in Moscow in 2013. He made it clearer when he expressed that the Russian intelligence agencies have better jobs to do than chasing after every American billionaire.

Donald Trump, Vladimir putin