Michigan Woman, Sara Ylen, To Be Sentenced For False Rape Report Following Cancer Scam

A woman in Michigan convicted of filing a false rape report is scheduled for sentencing on Friday, four days after pleading no contest to a cancer scam in a seperate case, SFGate.com reported.

Last year, 38-year-old Sara Ylen was convicted of two crimes, one of which was tampering with evidence after using makeup to create fake bruises on her skin.

In 2012, she was convicted of creating a fictional story about two men assaulting her at her home, about 80 miles northeast of Detroit.

Ylen plead no contest on Monday to fraud after her cancer scam was discovered by authorities. She allegedly told people she was sick, collecting nearly $20,000 in donations in addition to receiving some hospital services.

A report by the Detroit Free Press said witnesses claimed Ylen wore scarves on her head and used a wheelchair. She also accepted help doing yard work and buying groceries, and a hospice nurse said she gave Ylen morphine numerous times.

Once police began their investigation in 2012, they discovered searches on her computer looking up multiple myeloma -- the form of cancer she claimed to have. A friend also testified Ylen found x-rays online that she used in an appointment.

Though Ylen said she had been diagnosed by a few doctors, police claim none of them actually determined she was sick. Brenda Sanford, chief assistant prosecutor for Sanilac County, said Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is seeking $121,422.32 in restitution.

Sanilac County Circuit Judge Donald Teeple said receiving $20,000 in services under false circumstances can lead to up to 10 years in prison. Additionally, health care fraud is punishable by up to four years.

Ylen's lawyer, David Heyboer, did not comment on the case. Prior to sentencing, bond was revoked and she was ordered to remain in St. Clair County jail.