Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Friday that LGBTs are welcome at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, but he asked them to "leave the children in peace."
According to the Associated Press, Putin told volunteers that gays "can feel calm and at ease" about attending the upcoming games in Russia. He assured the group that no discrimination against homosexuals would be tolerated.
But he also stressed that gays must keep their own opinions and perspectives on homosexuality to themselves, due to legislation in the country that bans homosexual "propaganda" targeted toward underage citizens.
Although Putin and other Kremlin legislators have backed the law, which passed in June 2013, critics have stated that the ban discriminates against LGBT citizens.
Putin has said that blocking "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" protects children's rights.
Russia took further steps to put anti-gay legislation in place after passing the propaganda law by banning gay, foreign couples from adopting Russian orphans.
Some LGBT activists have spoken out against Russia's laws by urging others to boycott the Winter Games. In response, the Russian government has tightened up on citizens' rights to protest during the Sochi Olympics, which will run from Feb. 7- 23, according to AP.