New Immigration Order Signed By Trump

Donald Trump has signed a new immigration order which places a 90-day ban on people from six Muslim nations. Iraq has been removed from the list and people with valid visas will be allowed to enter the US. The measure includes a 120-day ban on all refugees and takes effect on 16 March.

The previous order was blocked by a federal court and sparked confusion at airports and mass protests. Citizens of Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Sudan and Yemen, the other six countries on the original list, will be subject to a 90-day travel ban again.

The new order states refugees already approved by the State Department will be allowed to enter, but it also limits the number at 50,000 for the year. The BBC reports that the new order lifts an indefinite ban on all Syrian refugees.

Changes in the new order

Green Card holders from the named countries will not be affected by the new order. The new order does not give priority to religious minorities, unlike the previous order that gave preference to Christian refugees. Iraq has been excluded from the banned list because the iraqi government has boosted visa screening and also data sharing.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly held a news conference. Mr Sessions stated that more than 300 people refugees who entered the US are under investigation for potential terrorism-related offences.

Possible legal challenges

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a statement on Monday saying his office is ready to take the Trump administration to court. He stated that the intent to discriminate against Muslims remains clear.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), which is an Arab-American civil rights organisation, called for donations to fight coming legal battles. This group believes that the ban is about xenophobia and Islamophobia.