Hubble Telescope Captures Images of Massive Hybrid Galaxy

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope managed to capture and incredible images of a strange hybrid galaxy. The Galaxy is called "UGC 12591 and it is located 400 million light years away, it is situated in the westernmost reaches of the Pisces - Perseus Supercluster.

The view of the galaxy was strange because it is a cross between a classic lenticular and spiral galaxy. The Supercluster is a vast chain that extends across hundreds of millions of light years as per Space. According to the NASA description it is a fast spinner and rotates at an incredible speed, which is 1.1 million miles per hour.

The "UGC 12591" is extremely massive and extraordinary, along with its halo it can consist nearly several hundred billion times the mass of the sun. Scientists are starting to understand the mass of "UGC 12591" with the help of the Hubble Space Telescope. They will use data collected from the telescope to establish if the massive galaxy formed and stretched over time.

Scientists will also be able to determine if the galaxy was formed from two large galaxies, there could be possibilities that two different galaxies collided at the same point in the distant past. As for the Pisces - Perseus Supercluster of galaxy clusters, it is a home for the "UGC 12591." The Massive Supercluster is also known as the largest structures in the Universe.

The Universe is infinite and there are possibilities of monster galaxies like the "UGC 12591" to exist. Finding those galaxies will take years and better technology is an essential, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has proved once again by this incredible discovery.

Researchers will be able to study the details of the galaxy with the data, but it will certainly take time to understand. This hybrid galaxy has been strange and the evolution of it is still yet to be answered.

Hubble space telescope