465,000 Killed, Missing In 6-Year War In Syria

There are 465,000 people killed and missing in Syria since the war began six years ago. At first, there were protests against President Bashar al-Assad, then, it became a big conflict that has caused a lot of pain. It has involved global and regional powers, allowed Islamic State to grab big tracts of territory and caused the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the second world war.

This war has been bloody, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports the deaths of more than 321,000 people since the conflict began. We have to add that more than 145,000 people have been reported as missing in Syria. Among those killed, there are more than 96,000 civilians.

It is estimated that government forces and their allies have killed more than 83,500 civilians. This statistic includes more than 27,500 people in air strikes and 14,600 under torture in prison. Rebel shelling has also had tragic consequences, it has killed more than 7,000 civilians.

More details about the war in Syria

The Islamic State, which is a jihadist group, has killed more than 3,700 civilians, air attacks by the U.S.-led coalition have killed 920 civilians and Turkey has killed more than 500 civilians. Turkey is backing rebels in northern Syria. Russia and Syria's government deny targeting civilians, using torture or extrajudicial killings.

Turkey and most rebel groups deny targeting civilians. The U.S.-led coalition states it tries to avoid civilian casualties and always investigates reports that it has done so. The continued military operations have hurt more than 2 million Syrian citizens with different types of injuries and permanent disabilities.

About 12 million citizens including hundreds of thousands of children and women were displaced between the refuge and the displacement areas. The infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and private and public property have been destroyed considerably. There is a huge humanitarian crisis in Syria in this moment.