Punishments For Rapists In Different Countries

There are different types of punishments for rapists, some countries have very drastic laws. In China, a rapist is sentenced to death penalty or even castration. Many victims of rape remain silent in China, because they feel ashamed.

A rapist is sentenced to be shot in North Korea, while his victim can join the firing squad. Pravda reports that in many Muslim countries raped women are punished. According to the law, if a woman is raped, she has to marry the man who raped her in order to keep her honour.

In Russia, a person convicted of rape can go to jail for up to 30 years. In Egypt, they practice a strange prevention of crimes, convicts get publicly hanged. In the Netherlands, rapists can be jailed from four to fifteen years.

Punishments in other countries

In Iran, a rapist is sentenced to death by shooting or hanging. If a convict avoids death penalty, he will be sentenced to torture or life in prison. In Saudi Arabia, a rapist will be shot immediately after the trial. Rapists are beheaded in public, then, the body and the head are stitched together. Rapists can also be sentenced to death by stoning. In Israel, a rapist can go to prison from four to sixteen years. In the United Arab Emirates, a rapist is executed during seven days after sentencing.

Almost 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Statistics show that 55% of rape victimizations occur at or near the victim's home, and 12% occur at or near the home of a friend, relative, or acquaintance. There is an average of 293,066 victims ages 12 or older of rape each year in the US. About 1.5% of all men have been raped, 47% of bisexual men have experienced unwanted sexual contact. About 60% of child sexual abuses are perpetrated by someone the victim knows outside the family, and 30% are assaulted by family members.