Sony Patent Makes Wireless Charging at its Best: Steal Battery Life Out of Other Smartphones, Electronic Devices

Everybody goes through the trouble of having their smartphone reach its low battery. Yet, an amazing patent by Sony was discovered by Whatafuture to might change the way of charging your smartphone.

According to IB Times, Sony had patented a way to charge smartphones through another smartphone by placing it on top of each other. The method was then called to be “Configuration of Data and Power Transfer in Near Field Communications.” In which, the process is made through NFC.

Sony’s patented way was stated to be “methods and systems for configuring wireless power and data transmission between one or more consumer electronic devices.” The idea is to make power transfer possible through both the smartphones antennas. Encrypted data was mentioned to be done by both smartphones and be decrypted by both afterward.

One thing that could indulge people more is that the charging tech could not be applied to smartphones only but for TVs, fridges, microwaves, computers and any electronic device as well. The idea was then mentioned that any smartphone could get energy from home electronic devices too aside from other smartphones. Hence, wireless charging at its best is done at home per Digital Trends.

Sony wasn’t the only one who idealizes an upgraded way of charging devices. Other rumors also said that the iPhone 8 could have a wireless charging feature as well due to Apple joining the Wireless Power Consortium group. Apple was recently had been reported to work with the Energous company. In which it is a company that has already built a way to charge wirelessly from a distance.

Amid the patent which is not yet confirmed. It was suggested by Gizmodo, that the reality of Sony’s patent includes not realizing other people had already stolen power from your phone without knowing it. Another downside was said to be people pretending that their phone’s going to die, borrows yours and could make a run for it.

Yet, no matter the contrary is, Sony’s idea is still a patent and could still be applied and worked on, in the near future if made possible.

Sony, Wireless Charging, Patent, Apple, Battery, Smartphone