Merkel, Trump Talk About NATO, Trade And Ukraine

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is visiting President Donald Trump, they will talk about many topics. Nato, trade and Ukraine are very important issues on the agenda. Trump has called Merkel's migration policy catastrophic.

There was a warm reception as Merkel arrived, Trump said they had been discussing many issues. When Time magazine chose Merkel as its person of the year in 2015 instead of him, Trump said she was ruining Germany. The BBC reports that Trump also has German ancestry.

Merkel has criticised Trump's controversial travel ban against citizens of several Muslim countries. She explained the Geneva Convention obliges signatories, which includes US, to take in refugees of war. Merkel and Trump are two leaders with different styles.

They will talk about key issues

Angela Merkel has to build a relationship with Trump without appearing to sacrifice her values. This first meeting comes as Merkel prepares for an election battle later in the year. During his presidential campaign, Trump threatened higher taxes for countries like Germany that have a trade surplus over America. Merkel is accompanied by top executives from German companies like Siemens, Schaeffler and car giant BMW.

Merkel stated BMW's plant in the US exported more cars than GM and Ford together from the United States. Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries stated Germany could file a suit against any increase in import duties at the World Trade Organization (WTO). She stated that there are procedures laid out there because in the WTO agreements you're not allowed to take more than 2.5% taxes on imports of cars. We have to add that Trump has suggested a 35% levy.

Nato is also on the agenda, Trump has insisted that members have to pay their fair share. Only four nations reach the benchmark of spending 2% of GDP on defence, Germany is not one of them. The meeting will cover issues involving Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea and the Middle East peace process.