Ivanka Trump To Get West Wing Office

Ivanka Trump will not become a government employee but she will have a West Wing office. She will not have an official title or position. This situation is disliked by many people who believe this is a violation of ethics. Since President Donald Trump took office, Ivanka has been at the White House to visit her husband, Jared Kushner, who is senior adviser to the president.

On Friday, Ivanka raised eyebrows when she was pictured next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting with the US president. Russia Today reports that she will voluntarily adhere to the same rules that would apply if she were a government employee. Ethics watchdogs are observing the potential conflicts of interest and violations of anti-nepotism laws.

Ivanka has put her brand in a trust that will be under the management of Josh Kushner, her brother-in-law, and Nicole Meyer, her sister-in-law. Ivanka Trump has to comply with federal ethics standards, thus, she has given control of her company to her most important executive, Abigail Klem. Anyway, Ivanka will still own her brand and she still has the capacity to veto.

Restrictions to avoid violation of laws

Ivanka's company will not have the right to make any agreements with foreign countries, and Ivanka declared that she will no longer appear in advertisements. She has also has separated her personal and business media accounts to comply with ethics standards. An analyst stated that he does not believe that it eliminates conflicts in every way.

Trump's senior advisor, Kellyanne Conway, went on Fox News to give a free commercial to promote Ivanka's product line. This has been seen as morally unacceptable, thus, an ethics complaint has been filed against the Trump administration. The ethics complaint was filed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).