Lindsay Lohan Ready To Get Back To Movies & TV

Like Katy Perry, the actress and singer Lindsay Lohan had some attempts for a comeback with changing her hairstyles more frequently. She feels more than ready to get back on track with her new show ‘The Anti-Social Network’.

After a turbulent past, the 30-year-old ‘Mean Girls’ star Lindsay Lohan stated for Fox News that she is not afraid to start over with the return in the Hollywood’s spotlight and that she is ready for a fresh start. She said that even when she was a child she had a great passion for the movies and TV and that she feels more than ready to get back on track. Lindsay said that it is about doing what you love and not about the glare. After shutting down her social media accounts in January, the actress decided to rebrand and announced on Twitter this week about the launch of her new prank reality TV show ‘The Anti-Social Network’. The show is about causing chaos on contestant’s social media accounts for 24 hours by Lindsay Lohan while daring them to complete some embarrassing challenges if they want to win nice prizes.

According to Entertainment Weekly, in February the actress Lindsay Lohan made headlines with posting on her Instagram page an open plea to Disney for the studio to cast her as Ariel in a live-action version of ‘The Little Mermaid’. She wrote a now-deleted title on her Instagram to accredit the Oscar-winning screenwriter and director Bill Condon who introduced movies like ‘The Beauty and the Beast’, ‘Dreamgirls’ and ‘Chicago’. With her successful career on the big screens through the early 2000s, Lindsay Lohan has not confronted another average movie since her role of the late Elizabeth Taylor in the 2012 Lifetime biopic Liz & Dick.

According to Vanity Fair, with the movies put aside, there is one thing Lindsay hasn’t done until now and that is ‘The Anti-Social Network’. She opens her trailer for the social media show with a low-key ‘I’m back bithces’.In the trailer, she hijacks the social-media accounts on unsuspecting contestants and forces them in order to gain great prices to finish some embarrassing challenges like trying out stand-up comedy or posing nude for an art class. What prize can be cooler than knowing that the contestant’s helped Lindsay Lohan catapult her fame back on track and the fans will see if Lindsay’s new social media show gets picked up and if Lindsay Lohan back in Hollywood was worth the wait.

Lindsay lohan