Donald Trump And His Latest Executive Order About Coal, Oil And Natural Gas

Donald Trump And His Latest Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth is not just related with the coal industry. It is also related with economic activities such as oil and natural gas. This is Trump's effort to rescind main parts of Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan.

Most people recognize Obama's Plan was an effort to damage US coal industry. Forbes reports President Trump's most recent executive order has important implications for the oil and natural gas. The impact will be very significant and it will let big changes in the energy industry.

The Section 2 of the Order lets agencies review the regulations, orders and similar actions that burden the use or development of energy resources. The Section 2 is related with natural gas, coal, oil and nuclear energy. This order will revitalize the energy sector in United States.

More details about Trump's executive order

The Section 3, Paragraph (c) lets the Council on Environmental Quality to rescind its final guidance that helped increase the requirements which led to endless delays in leasing and permitting decisions on federal lands. The Section 4 of the Order allows the Environmental Protection Agency to review the New Source Performance Standards which impact all the energy sectors. The Section 7, Paragraph (b) allows the Secretary of the Interior review a lot of regulations issued by the Obama Administration. It can make recommendations to revise, suspend or even rescind the guidance and much more.

If the US agencies comply with the Order, there will be an increase in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas on Indian and federal lands. This increase would take place after years of stagnation, and benefit the budgets of Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana and Utah. Coal-fired power plants will be replaced by natural gas-fired plants or other cleaner energy sources. This is the beginning of a new stage in the US energy industry.

Environmental Protection Agency