Which Are The Best Places To Find An Alien Or An UFO? USA, Australia And Russia Are Among Them

There are certain places on the planet which are the best ones to find an alien or have an UFO sighting. We can mention some places in USA, Australia and Russia among them. Some people would not like to contact aliens but others want to know much more about them.

Aliens and UFOs have been seen so many times that many people are convinced they are a reality. The Express reports that the Area 51 in Nevada, USA, is one of the best places to find them. This is an Air Force base, some people believe the remains of an UFO are hidden inside. UFO sightings are common here.

The other place is a remote area in Australia, Nullabor. This place has been a hotbed of UFO sightings since the 1950s. Many people even declare that they have been chased by UFOs while driving the area's empty roads.

Other places where UFOs have been seen

The Molyobka Triangle in Russia, the M Triangle, is in the the Ural mountains. For more than 100 years there have been UFO sightings. Roswell in New Mexico, USA, is the site where an UFO allegedly crashed in 1947, before being secretly transported to Area 51. There is an UFO Museum in Roswell and also a Research Center where those who claim to have been abducted share their experiences. The stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge are located in the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire. Warminster became famous in the 1960s and 1970s when alien sounds were heard in the area.

El Enladrillado is Chile's first UFO trail which passes through 30 kms. It is alleged to be a landing pad for UFOs. Wycliffe Well is the UFO capital of Australia, there have been sightings since WWII. A serviceman stationed there during the war kept a log book of sightings. Bonnybridge is located in Scotland, it is in a place called The Falkirk Triangle by UFO experts. Over 300 sightings are reported every year in this area between Stirling, Fife and the outskirts of Edinburgh.

UFO sightings