‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer Steals Hearts With Fresh Setting; Is It A Road Trip Movie?

The first "Thor: Ragnarok" trailer has been released and it is making waves because of its new flavor. This Marvel superhero movie appears to be different from its folk as it seems to carry a life of its own that has been lacking in other Marvel movies. The unique setting is a break from the scenery of earth and this Taika Waititi directorial venture looks like a road trip movie.

"Thor: Ragnarok" trailer was released yesterday and it has received positive response from critics as well as viewers. According to The Verge, the trailer has taken the internet by storm and its neon-filled color scheme and lighthearted humor are the highlights that have grabbed the attention of viewers. By the looks of "Thor: Ragnarok" trailer, it seems like the Indie film has a life of its own which was significantly lacking in the Marvel superhero movies.

The new fantastical setting of "Thor: Ragnarok" looks distinct and is a contrast to all other Marvel movies that were based on the adventures of superheroes in and around the earth. This approach worked earlier as it was relatable and viewers could identify with the superheroes' actions but now the charm has begun to fade and this is why "Thor: Ragnarok" appears like a whiff of fresh air.

This coming together of Thor and Hulk is more of a road trip and promises to show some playful buddy dynamics between the two characters. Also, the road trip theme holds importance for Marvel Cinematic Universe as it has been trying to break the old molds. There has been a marked shift towards new and experimental. "Wonder Woman" and "Justice League" are cases in point. Still, fans should not harbor too high hopes from "Thor: Ragnarok" trailer and wait till the movie is out in the theaters.

"Thor: Ragnarok," the third installment in the "Thor" franchise is slated to release on Nov. 3, 2017.

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