Experts Find Ways To End Malaria For Good

Latest reports are telling that experts, as well as countries, are on track to end malaria for good. it was deemed important to find ways and solutions to combat this and these experts are looking for malaria education as also one of the ways to stop and prevent this.

Even before, people in Africa have been struggling with malaria and decades have passed, still, experts are looking for effective ways that could end this. The elimination of malaria could be possible already since, in the previous years, the United States of America was able to look for a way in order to guarantee that no one will suffer from this again.

It can be recalled that in the year 1951, malaria was successfully eradicated and the efforts were made through the Office of Malaria Control in War Areas. It then implemented policies and effective strategies along with the popular U.S. CDC as per Scientific American.

Because of its effectiveness to fight malaria, Africa also got its own CDC but it was only fully implemented last 2015 due to the outbreak of Ebola virus. The Ebola outbreak also caused great danger to humans across the world which even resulted in the death of almost 11, 000 people.

This African CDC was established in order to allow countries to create partnerships and to help them create a place that is safe and free from threats of human diseases and viruses. But in order to make this CDC functional, Africa needs to implement funding and appropriate implementation so that they could further prevent the spread of this and to affect their socio-economic transformation.

Lately, reports escalated that experts are ready for the pilot testing of the malaria vaccine in three countries in Africa. According to BBC, these three countries are Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi and the administration of the so-called vaccines will commence next year, 2018.

The World Health Organization just released information that as of 2015, 400,000 already died from malaria and most of these deaths occurred in Africa. That's why before it's too late, countries and medical experts need to already implement effective ways to finally put an end to malaria which is caused by a mosquito bite.