Google Glass: X-Rated App Lets Wearers See Sex Through Their Partner's Eyes

Sex with Google Glass app is a new technological creation that has given sex tapes a 21st century makeover, UK MailOnline reported.

Instead of using handheld cameras or mirrors on the ceiling, this new wearable technology can be used by couples to record their most intimate moments.

According to UK MailOnline, "the app also lets couples see sex through their partner's eyes by streaming the view from their respective device."

Sex with Google Glass was introduced during the Wearable Hackathon event in London in November and developed by Lebanese product design student Sherif Maktabi.

"We want to change the way people experience things," Maktabi explained the reason for creating the app. "We love using design and strategy to disrupt at scale. So when we asked ourselves the question 'How can we make sex more awesome with Google Glass?' We came up with Sex with Glass."

Voice commands are used to control the app. "Ok glass, it's time" begins the recording and streaming process.

Wearers can then either film their partner during sex, or swipe the side of the device to change the view and perspective, UK MailOnline reported. This includes streaming the footage being recorded by the camera on their partner's device.

Glass will create a video of the event once the wearer commands, "Ok glass, pull out." Before being automatically deleted from the app, the video can be replayed for up to five hours.

Wearers can control music, lighting and even search the web for sexual positions and other inspiration if the wearable tech is connected to smart lamps, or other household devices.

Maktabi is studying at London's Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design, UK MailOnline reported.

Pornographic app "T*** & Glass" by developers MiKandi was famously banned by Google previously as the company had taken a firm stance on apps that feature explicit content.

While the site was visited by some 10,000 people before Google pulled the plug, the app was downloaded from the developer's website by 17 Google Glass owners on its debut day, according to UK MailOnline.

Similar to the Sex with Google Glass app, "T*** & Glass" let viewers browse adult content and, with Glass's capability of displaying and recording, the app also reportedly let users record and upload their own intimate content, UK MailOnline reported.