Eating Raw Eggs Might Not Be Safe At All Times, FDA Warns

Most people love to eat eggs even raw eggs but the FDA just gave a warning that consuming this kind of food may not be good sometimes. This is or the reason that raw eggs can be a source of salmonella and food-borne illnesses. However, consumers are disregarding this because of egg white protein shakes.

But again, not all eggs are contaminated with salmonella since when eating these people do not experience vomiting, chills, diarrhea, stabbing pain, and even fever. Still, the FDA and the DCD both want to suggest to consumers that they need to cook eggs first before eating or better for pasteurized.

Moreover, the University of Minnesota even conducted a study and claimed that nobody should eat foods which contain raw eggs. Further, the said researchers enumerated the foods which were included under this like hollandaise sauce and salad dressing.

This means that while people enjoy eating foods with ceasar dressings, protein shakes, and egg white cocktails, the more they are exposed to salmonella-related bacteria. Instead, Popsugar claimed that people can opt for pasteurized eggs which are considered as the safest and they can even increase their chance of having a safe meal through going organic.

Lately, a research in Britain just found out that caged hens were the ones which had the greater prevalence of salmonella. Compared to cage-free hens or the so-called enriched colony cage hens, the caged hens had a salmonella prevalence of 13 percent. With this, it was recommended to purchase pasture-raised eggs since these are considered more nutritious and will likely reduce one's risk of salmonella.

The salmonella bacteria are shared through feces and if the chickens stay in a clean environment, perhaps not living in their own tiny cages, an individual's risk for those bacteria also increases dramatically. Therefore, it is better and advised for consumers to opt for caged-free hens rather than going for caged-hens.

However, the CDC also gave warning about another case of salmonella which can be found inside a clean and uncracked egg. It was also found out that this type of sneakier salmonella started in the 1980s and still evident today and these are usually found in grade-A eggs with clean shells. But still, people have more other ways to lower their risk of getting the bacteria.