Key West Man Arrested For Hiding Cocaine Inside A Cookie Monster Doll

Latest reports confirmed that a Key West man was arrested last Wednesday in Marathon because he was caught transporting cocaine which he hid inside a Cookie Monster doll. It was also found out that the cocaine weighed 314 grams which were kept inside the said doll that was not about cookies at all.

According to New York Post, it was Monroe County Sheriff's Deputy Orey Swilley who discovered the car of the Key West man. He said that he was parked near mile marker 47 at midnight when he noticed a black Dodge making its way to the north with its license plate hidden.

Apart from that, he also noticed that the window of the car was tinted so it was that dark and he could not see what was inside the said vehicle. Therefore, he had the car pulled over at 73rd Street so he could check and see who was inside.

When Swilley went on to check on what was inside the car, he found out that behind the wheel was Camus McNair, 39 and that he could smell marijuana inside. This was the reason why he decided to search more on what was inside the suspicious vehicle.

His search led him to the discovery of a backpack which contained a blue Cookie Monster doll. What made this doll so different was that Swilley noticed that it was a bit heavier compared to an ordinary doll or stuffed animal.

Besides, Swilley also found a slit cut inside the Cookie Monster doll and that it contained two packages with 314 grams of cocaine. Because of this, McNair was immediately charged with two felonies for drug equipment possession and cocaine trafficking. After this, the convicted Key West man was taken to the Marathon jail and was assisted by Deputies Matthew Cory and Seth Hopp. He was also being held on $7,000 bond.

Police reports claimed that the problems on cocaine and drug trafficking are worsening in the place and the latest of which was the arrest of the Key West man who hid cocaine inside a Cookie Monster doll. Therefore, there needs to be an extensive monitoring and patrolling of every road in Marathon and in other places.

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