Bella & Gigi’s Dad Mohamed Hadid To Undergo 3 Years’ Probation For Building Illegal Bel-Air Mansion

Reports confirmed that Mohamed Hadid, the father of supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid was placed on three-year probation. It was found out that he built a Bel-Air mansion which allegedly violated the building permits of the city which caused the neighbors to get angry too.

Mohamed Hadid is a luxury home developer and at the same time the father of popular supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid. But because of the said violation, he will be placed on the said probation and was even ordered to do 200 hours of community service.

Meanwhile, Robert Shapiro, the legal counsel of Mohamed Hadid made a guarantee before the Superior Court judge that the 30,000 square-foot mansion in question will be completed and brought into compliance with all the necessary codes in two years. However, an official from the Department of Building and Safety claimed otherwise that the structure will be completed within 3 and half years.

With this, Los Angeles Daily News claimed that Mohamed Hadid pleaded no contest to May 30 misdemeanor counts of constructing a non-permitted building. It was also said that he pleaded no contest for failing to bring the building into conformance and complying an order issued initially by the Department of Building and Safety.

But the court was firm in saying that those were serious violations committed by Mohamed Hadid that's why it was essential to hold him accountable for these violations. It was made known that he failed to recognize the building and safety rules for a reason and that the court said no one is above the law. With the upcoming hearing, the court will make the case sting and will impose fitting sanctions.

With this, Shapiro already informed the court that his client has already accepted the violations as well as his accountability for issues and problems with the building. But still, the defendant and his lawyers were very firm in saying that the building is not a safety hazard since it is as safe a building as has ever been built.

Apart from the three years' probation and community service, Mohamed Hadid was also ordered to pay $14, 191 in restitution to the city. After the first hearing which Mohamed Hadid failed to attend, the judge scheduled another hearing on September 18 to decide if he will pay the said restitution.