Pretty Little Liars Season 4: Is Ali Trying to Break Up the Girls?; Questions from 'Close Encounters'

Ali met with Emily, Ezra might have really hampered Jake's fighting career, Paige may know Ali personally and Hannah was on the rebound. Here are my questions from "Close Encounters":

No. 1 - What is Ali's motive?

One of the questions the Liars and fans most likely share is, which Ali came back? Is it the Ali that loved to play games and manipulate her friends? Or is it this supposed new Ali who's in trouble and is regretful of all she did to the girls? Ali mentioned that she wasn't sure she could trust any of the Liars except Emily. Why? As far as we know all the Liars have been in this thing together. Is it possible one of them is team A? Or is Ali afraid that one of the Liars will choose their own personal desires over saving her? Of course what Spencer said could always be true -- Ali is just trying to stir up trouble.

No. 2 - Will Jake go after Ezra?

After Aria told Ezra that Jake saw him violently yell at the lady in the car, Jake mysteriously cut himself on his sparing bag. As he kicked the bag, which was pretty old to begin with, he cut his foot. Apparently someone put glass inside the bag. Is Jake's chance at going to nationals done? Assuming Ezra is the one who sabotaged the bag, will Jake go after him? Could this help open Aria's eyes to Ezra's true nature?

No. 3 - How many people does Ali know?

The girls were able to prove Shana's story about knowing Alison since she was a little girl. However, they also realized this may mean Paige knew Alison too? If so, how much does Paige know? Who else is close to Ali?

No. 4 - Was Travis just a rebound or more?

Ashley walked in on her daughter and Travis in an intense make-out session. Making out with Travis was just one of the few impulsive decisions Hanna made this episode as she recovered from the "Haleb" break-up. Travis seems to like Hanna. So was he just a rebound from Caleb? Or will there be more? Oh by the way, if your looking for info on Hanna/Caleb you should check out the picture at the end of this article.

"Pretty Little Liars" airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on ABC Family.

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