Protestors Follow Google Employee To His House, Tell His Neighbors He's 'Evil'

A group of California residents who have been protesting the Internet search giant, Google, have taken things a step further by protesting not just the company, but an individual employee by following him to his personal residence in Berkeley CA.

According to THV11, protesters have been rushing one of Google's private shuttle buses, leaving workers on board stranded with no way to get out but past the picket line. They seem to be blaming the tech company for driving up the cost of living in San Francisco, near where Google is headquartered.

Yesterday morning, these protesters stepped things up a bit when a group of protesters calling themselves Counterforce, targeted Google engineer Anthony Levandowski at his home in Berkeley Calif. Levandowski is the engineer behind the secret Google X device and Google's now famous self-driving car.

The protesters surrounded Levandowski's home with banners and watched him leave for work. In total, the entire ordeal only lasted about 45 minutes, but when it was done, the group had scattered leaflets all over Levandowski's neighborhood. Each flier identified exactly where he lived and accused him of brining evil into the world through his work at Google.

Luckily for Levandowski, his neighbors don't seem to share the same feelings as the protestors; many even acknowledge just how far these people went by coming to someone's personal home.

"This is stalking," one of his neighbors said to THV11.

Even in Berkeley, which is normally considered a haven for grassroots activism, many were ashamed at the protester's latest strategy.

"There is absolutely no reason to go after people in their home, no matter what you think of their job and their politics," said Becky O'Malley about Counterforce.

While this could shake some people to their very core, Levandowski seems to be in good spirits about the whole thing saying, "I'm a nice guy. I'm just an engineer who likes robots."