6 steps to help you Reduce Your Taxes Permanently

6 steps to help you Reduce Your Taxes Permanently

We understand fully well that so many of us will do just about anything to hack down the amount we pay in tax. With so many other personal expenses to lead, such as feeding, transportation, dealing with an IVA debt, setting up prepaid funeral plans, and tending to some other unforeseen emergencies, individuals are growing increasingly tired of the concept of taxation by the day.

But guess what, the governments aren't backing down anytime soon, which means that individuals have to get creative if they intend to beat the government at this game. But how do you even beat the government? Some may quip. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but if people could find ways to beat their creditors (using IVA companies and trust deeds), then I believe one can also beat taxes too. You just need the right strategy. And luckily for you, that's what I'm about to share with you. So stick with me and let's ride.

Start a business

One very basic truth you should realize is that the government wants you to have a business to add to the economy. There is compensation from the government when you start a business; this compensation comes in the form of tax incentives. When you start a business, you receive a lot of tax breaks for the money invested into your business, and for creating jobs for other people. The job you create, the expenses on your business and other activities involved in running your business services to boost the economy. For entrepreneurs with small businesses, the government rewards you with a lower tax percentage.

Set up a business entity

One of the best things you should do as an entrepreneur to get a better tax incentive is to set up a business entity. Having a legal entity for your business will significantly increase the tax saving you have on your business. If you have the right setup for your business, you will pay less tax and save more.

You can create a legal deduction

If you have proper documentation for all expenses on your business, then you can get a deduction on all your expenses. Deductions can be on your meals and travel purposes relating to your business. Even if you have dinner with your spouse relating to your business, it can be waved off.

Track your sales record with a bookkeeper and account for your business

For every entrepreneur, small business owner and investor seeking to grow his business without limit, you must keep a good record of all your sales and financial transaction. To stay on top of your business, you need to hire a bookkeeper and accountant to keep track of all your business transactions and activities. Your bookkeeper will help to keep proper records for accuracy, while your accountant will help to analyse those records for tax purposes and business opportunities in the present and later in the future. Furthermore, documentation like these can also help your business file an IVA arrangement effectively if your business isn't going as planned, and you need help fighting off the arp enforcement personnel your creditors have deployed to collect their money from you.

Assets generating income

Your business and its investments must generate positive cash flow regularly. If your company is not generating enough cash flow, then it is time to evaluate the priorities of your business and put things in order. Based on your company's positive cash flow, you can determine if it is time to expand your business, employ more partners, get more investors, or even sell your business or shut the business down if you are running at a loss.

Review your cash flow numbers

To get the best of your company's financial activities, you must review your company's financial activities daily. Your business daily schedule should seek to evaluate what funds are coming in, and what is going out. A detail evaluation of funds you are spending and what your business is generating is important to maintain a success rate on your business. Also, you must endeavour to keep your cash flow chart as simple as possible.

The positive side of tax incentives on your business

While a lot of people get uncomfortable when they think about the subject of tax, the truth is a good understanding of the principles of tax code can do a lot of good. By taking advantage of the tax incentives provided by the government, you have the opportunity to build long-term wealth and also you can change the world. By creating a business that solves a problem and meets the needs of others, your business has the potential to impact the lives of others.


Every individual, therefore, should be thought how to set up a tax savings strategy that helps to build long term wealth. People should be exposed to the practical steps of maximizing tax deductions. With a good knowledge of tax code, anyone can start a new business and deduct expenses on creating new jobs, investing in new products, investment in acquiring new equipment, investing in real estate or even writing a book.