Do you wonder which one is better - Instructor-Led Training (ILT) or Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)? Actually, this is an incomplete question. The question should be which method is better for you? Both these methods come with their own advantages and disadvantages. It is your decision to select the one which suits your requirements. You should know the goals of your training programs and select a suitable method accordingly. This article will provide you with the necessary information, tell you about their advantages and disadvantages so that you can make an informed decision.
ILT refers to the training delivered when the instructor and the learners are at the same geographical location. The training is delivered in a lecture or presentation format where the instructor interacts with a large or small group of learners respectively. Although there are several other combinations of ILT methods such as one on one, small group, seminar, and the like.
Advantages of ILT
Better learner reaction - The learners tend to react better to a physical instructor than a virtual one and can exchange ideas freely.
Individual attention to every participant - If the trainer and learners are present at the same location, he can see the expressions on every leaner's face and get to know if they are engaged or not (and make changes accordingly).
Suitable for all - There may be some learners who are not tech-savvy. ILT training is suitable for every learner regardless of their age and skills.
Disadvantages of ILT
The logistics and all the arrangement associated with an ILT session can be a nightmare for people managing it. Also, the cost associated with such sessions is very high.
Another disadvantage is that if any learner misses the session, there is no way that he can get its contents.
VILT refers to the training delivered when the instructor and the learners are not at the same location and use virtual/simulated methods to communicate. Here also, the training format is similar to ILT like a lecture or a presentation but the only difference is that VILT uses internet-based training methods.
Advantages of VILT
No impact of location - The biggest advantage of this internet-based training method is that the location of the instructor and the learner does not matter. They can join the training session from the comfort of their homes, without having to travel to a common location.
Cost Saving - Use of VILT solutions saves a considerable amount of money spent on travel and arrangements (such as a hall or an auditorium).
Interactivity- If you're using a method which involves the presence of a live instructor, learners can clarify their doubts and interact with one another. There is a slight advantage here - the learners can ask questions which they would not be able to in a physical classroom environment (it is seen that people are more expressive in virtual places).
Individual Tracking - VILT companies have come up with solutions that help to track the performance of every individual. The instructor can asses the performance of every learner and make sure that every learner is clearly understanding the sessions.
Disadvantages of VILT
Every good thing has its drawbacks as well, VILT is no exception. One of the biggest disadvantages of VILT is that there is no way that the instructor can make sure that all the learners are engaged in the session. He cannot know whether they are paying attention or not - so he has to come up with new and creative ways to increase learner engagement.
Another disadvantage of VILT is that the timing of the session may not suitable for people present in different parts of the world. However, the learners can then take recorded video sessions (which is also a form of VILT).
Final Words
We have tried to cover all the aspects of ILT and VILT training. We hope that these pointers will help you choose the right training method for your organisation.