The Gift of Power in Politics By Mohammad Alshereda

The Gift of Power in Politics By Mohammad Alshereda
The Gift of Power in Politics By Mohammad Alshereda

Politics - like any other field or business - is based mainly on connections and self-interest; only difference is: it's more ruthless. If a person wants to climb the mountain of politics to get where he wants, he first need the blessing and endorsement of those in power and to get that is no easy task; you need to demonstrate a high level of loyalty. Once you get that, you can start your journey.

You may be wondering: who's on the top of the pyramid in politics? The president? The senate?

No, they are the people who decide who's going to be president and who's going to be in the senate! So who are these people? Well, nobody knows for sure.

After you get higher and higher in politics, naturally you gain more influence and power but the eyes of the bosses also follow you more carefully so you can't fail in a task that has been given to you or fail to show appreciation.

Even if you reach so high in the world of politics that you're a good candidate to be president of the United States, you need to remember that power is a gift that has been given to you so it also can be taken away from you at any moment.

The bosses may need you but don't ever make the mistake of thinking you're Irreplaceable! They can replace you easily and you only get as high as they allow you to be.

If you're a person who has a big ego or you're a person of principles, you may want to think twice before taking that journey because the world of politics is not for everyone.

By Mohammad Alshereda

Alshereda has an IQ of 142 according to the Stanford-Binet IQ test. Alshereda criticizes evolution and thinks that the idea of human-beings sharing the same ancestor with apes is absurd let alone that we evolved from a fish. He states that: "even science is unable to prove that evolution is a fact or if it ever happened". He believes that calling evolution a fact is just an attempt to drive people into atheism. Alshereda aspires to win The Nobel Prize someday. He comments: "Winning the Nobel Prize is a very high honor and a dream but making a difference in people's lives is even a higher honor because it is a step forward in the way of changing the world".

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