Stress May Cause Gray Hair, Studies Show

According to Ya-Chieh Hsu, who studies stem cells and regenerative Biology, stress affects different parts of the body, especially skin and hair. These are the only ones that are exposed outside of the body, so the effects are more obvious.

Knowing the cause

Stress does affect the entire body. Hence, finding what system causes hair greying is important to track down. They thought that stress is causing an immunity attack on cells that make hair pigmentation. Experiments with lab mice without immune cells still show grey hair. Scientists look at the cortisol hormone, but it did not pan out, urging them to look more into its possible causes that can help explain ithe matter.

In the experiment, scientists use the adrenal gland from mice so as not to secrete cortisol and control the outcome. Mice hair was grey when the mice were stressed by scientists. After the experiment, researchers singled out the sympathetic nerves that govern the stay, or run-away response.

With this, sympathetic nerves will separate into each hair follicle on the scalp. When nerves are stressed, there is a release of the chemical norepinephrine, and it gets absorbed by pigment generating stem cells.

"Acute stress, particularly the fight-or-flight response, has been traditionally viewed to be beneficial for an animal's survival. But in this case, acute stress causes permanent depletion of stem cells," said Bing Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow and lead author of the study.

Damage to the hair

Stem cells that have a reserve of pigment-producing cells can be found in a hair follicle. Whenever the hair is cut and regrown, the stem cells are used to produce pigment to color the hair.

As the norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves makes the stem cell work too much, it causes the stem cells to convert into pigment and drying out the stem cells. Researchers found out that once pigment regeneration cell is all used up, the damage is permanent, and no more cells for pigmentation can be produced. Acute stress is good for survival but causes a shortage of stem cells, which results in grey hair.

How to find proof that stress cause grey hair

One conclusion of the study is that neurons have governance over the stem cells, and interacts at both cellular and molecular level that is connected with stress or greying hair.

Based on the study, it appears that stress causes grey hair. Knowing this will help you find means to lessen its effect. The study has pointed out the problems, but knowing how to lessen greying hair and manage stress is important as well. Talking to a licensed therapist, like the ones at BetterHelp, is one effective way to manage stress and anxiety. Controlling yourself to avoid dwelling on stressful situations or getting anxious over anything can help you avoid gey hair.