After the long wait, iPhone users will now be able to jailbreak applications for the latest Apple devices running in iOS 13 to iOS 13.3 after Unc0ver released the latest update to the application. The release was announced by Pwn20wned via his Twitter account.
The latest patch of the Unc0ver jailbreak supports devices including iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro. It is also the first tool available for A12 and A13 Bionic Chips powered devices worldwide. It is said to be the most advanced of the patches so far.
Jailbreaking, according to PC World is the process of hacking devices to bypass restrictions installed by the manufacturer, in this case, Apple, in order to be able to download applications and other tweaks that are not approved by the company.
The process of jailbreaking makes changes to the deepest areas of your phone system. Thus, it may cause some system damage to the device. Since iOS is a closed environment and all applications need to follow Apple's restriction and guidelines before making it on the App Store, these restrictions are there to protect the users and maintain the applications' overall quality.
For iOS13.3 Unc0ver jailbreak was updated to its version 4.0.0 which features full-fledged support for A12 and A13 Bionic Chips powered devices. Moreover, it also adds support for system-wide injection and for Cydia, the first-ever unofficial app store for Apple. However, for tweak injection, the latest Unc0ver jailbreak update for iOS13.3 will rely on Substitute instead of Cydia since Saurik, Cydia's developer, has not updated the app's substrate for latest processors yet.
However, Wccftech says that since this is the first release for Unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 13.3, there are still several issues that need fixing. For example, there are complaints from users who have used the application on their iPhones that they were unable to download applications. In addition, other issues with the latest version of Unc0ver jailbreak include system crashes and failure of the jailbreak process. But the developer advised that they will soon release an update to fix the prevailing issues in the initial build.
As of the moment, Unc0ver jailbreak 4.0 only runs on A12 and A13 device while another jailbreak system Checkra1n jailbreak already supports the iPhone X and other devices running iOS 13 to iOS13.3. Thus, it is more recommended to be used, at least until unc0ver jailbreak improves their system and fixes their glitches.
Although the process of jailbreaking has been relatively safe most of the time, there are drawbacks to using the program, which includes being unable to receive security updates and having stability issues with the phone. The latest version of Unc0ver jailbreak can be downloaded at unc0ver.dev.