What Prevents You From Getting a Good Night's Sleep

As adults, sleeping enough hours and having a decent sleep are luxuries. According to the U.K.'s National Health Service, a person needs 7.5 to 8 hours of quality sleep a day to function properly.

Sometimes, you don't fall asleep right away, so you pick up your phone, take a little scroll through Instagram or play "Mobile Legends."

If you spend the whole night tossing and turning, you can wake up feeling more frustrated than refreshed. Aside from drowsiness, sleep deprivation can lead to heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Sleeping less than those recommended 7 or 8 hours can become a serious problem in the long term. Staying up late can be a necessity sometimes, but it should not turn into a routine. For kids, not getting enough sleep affects their attention, concentration, problem-solving, and reasoning.

Reading can put your brain in a passive mode, so you can fall asleep better to avoid overthinking.

"What happens is this: When you are reading (so long as you're not reading something that gets you riled up), your mind focuses on the content, rather than on other thoughts that could be arousing or aggravating," according to Dr. Richard Castriotta, medical director for Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center.

Experts say the wrong food and drinks can interfere with sleep. Sugary snacks have a high glycemic index (GI) which worsens gastric production. Bubble milk tea and soft drinks are stimulants and contain high sugar content. Drinking coffee after 4:00 PM may result in difficulty in sleeping at night. Have a glass of cold water instead to boost your energy. Consider replacing that cup of joe with a relaxing and calming chamomile tea.

According to Dr. Steve Kay who teaches neurology at USC, "Looking at tablets or smartphones can actually cause significant sleep disruption." Blue light in clinical sleep studies has been found to delay the moment of falling asleep, reduce REM and adjust the circadian clock so that people wake up later.

While napping can be tempting and give you some immediate gratification, negative effects in the long term might not be worth it. Daytime naps reduce the duration and quality of nighttime sleep and lead to increased sleepiness during the day and overall fatigue.

If sleeping too much becomes a part of your lifestyle, it can lead to daytime fatigue, disorders of circadian rhythm, depression, and cognitive issues.

Avoid heavy meals for about three to four hours before bedtime.

Getting outdoor time matters when it comes to your health, including promoting good sleep. Spending time in daylight helps to regulate our circadian rhythm.

Extensive workout three hours before going to bed may result in difficulty to snooze off. If your schedule is hectic, a casual walk will do or find some alternative exercises that can be done while lying on the bed.