
Pope Francis Sick Amid Rising Coronavirus Cases in Italy, Catholics Vigil for His Recovery

Pope Francis
FILE PHOTO: Pope Francis takes part in the penitential procession on Ash Wednesday in Rome, Italy, February 26, 2020. REUTERS/Remo Casilli/File Photo

VATICAN - Catholic church head Pope Francis canceled a planned Mass in Rome after being last seen coughing and having runny nose, as the dreaded coronavirus continue to spread across Italy, Thursday.

With his illness, the 82-year-old pontiff was forced to miss a penitential mass marking the start of lent that was planned to be celebrated at the St. John Lateran Basilica with the Roman clergy.

According to the Vatican, the State's sovereign was just feeling slightly indisposed and and would continue with the rest of the days planned work. He, however, failed to appear on the rest of the activities scheduled for that day.

Based on reports, the pope was instead seen staying the Vatican hotel where he lives, Santa Marta. It was observed that security has been heightened outside the residence and that medical personnel in protective gowns have been going in and out of the hotel.

Vatican officials, however, refuse to comment on what the Pope is sick from and has not specified the ailments nature, but when he was last seen during the Ash Wednesday Mass, it was noted that the pope has been coughing and blowing his nose.

It can be recalled that during the same mass he was last seen on, the pope expressed solidarity to those who are suffering from the novel coronavirus around the world.

Based on his medical history, the Argentine pope has already lost part of his lung when he was young due to a respiratory illness and also has difficulty in walking due to sciatica. He, however, has been enjoying generally good health lately.

With Pope's current condition, people fear that he might have contacted COVID-19, which has already invaded Italy with more than 400 cases and 12 deaths. This, however, remains as speculation since there were only three reported cases in Rome so far and all of them have recovered.

However, the virus' spread in Italy has been limited to its northern provinces, and away from the Vatican. The Milan Cathedral and La Scala Opera house have been closed due to fears of the virus and the Venice carnival was stopped as well.

Pope Francis has not also specifically met with any coronavirus patient but has shaken hands with the front row audience, during his mass. He was also seen kissing a baby during his spin through St. Peter's Square in his popemobile.

The pontiff's condition has also worried devout Catholics in the city who have started night vigils and offered their prayers to the sick sovereign.

Italy has been the hot spot of the virus in Europe. According to CNN, there are now 11 countries in the continent that has confirmed cases and most of these can be traced back to Italy. The country has the most number of cases outside of Asia.

Meanwhile, the disease continues to spread like wildfire as the cases rise to more than 82,000 and have spread across all continents except Antarctica. There have been growing fears that it may become a worldwide pandemic.

The virus has already killed more than 2,800 worldwide since it first broke out in Wuhan China.

Pope Francis, Vatican, Italy, Novel coronavirus
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