The Complete Guide to Fixing Common RAM Issues

The Complete Guide to Fixing Common RAM Issues
The Complete Guide to Fixing Common RAM Issues

The number of offline population in the United States has reduced from 48% in the year 2000, to about 10% currently.

This change reflects the growing use of computers among Americans as computer literacy in the country grows steadily. Even with the evolution in the development and use of machines, users still encounter specific common problems in the functionality of computers.

One such common issue relates to the Random Access Memory (RAM). As a computer user, you'll likely encounter memory-related issues every so often. Learning how to fix RAM issues can be a real nightmare for most people. This guide will be an essential tool in helping you deal with such memory problems on the go.

Read more here to learn everything to do with RAM

Symptoms of Ram Issues

There are specific symptoms that may help you identify probable RAM failures. These tell-tale signs can be useful when figuring out how to fix RAM issues.

1. The Amount of RAM Displays Incorrectly

You are interested to know the amount of memory in use in your computer from time to time. Have you noted an unbecoming trend lately, where the OS indicates less RAM compared to what is seated in the motherboard?

It may take a very keen person to realize that the amount of RAM on display is not the actual RAM.

This issue is more common than you may imagine. However, it takes someone who keeps close tabs of their memory usage to notice the disparity.

You only need to navigate to the control panel on your windows, then move to systems and security, then click on the system. Once on the next screen, your OS will display the computer statistics, check for the details on the RAM.

If there are faults in the reporting, all you need to do is to assess the RAM modules and ensure that they are correctly fixed on the motherboard.

2. Intermittent Freezes

Your keyboard and mouse can offer an easy acid test on the state of your computer.

If these two critical components often become unresponsive in irregular patterns without warning, then your RAM could be in trouble. When dealing with faulty RAM, there will be instances where the PC just freezes.

You may also notice examples where, after such intermittent cases of freezing, the PC reboots automatically. Such cases may lead to loss of unsaved work, primarily because the reboot commences without warning.

3. Random Reboots

Have you encountered a situation where your computer/laptop randomly restarts without any prior notice?

Well, for most users, this is perhaps the most irritating situation one can ever encounter. You need to diagnose the condition to establish the likely cause of the reboots.

Your first bet should be probable hard drive concerns. If the issue is more deep-rooted, then you could try and assess the state of the SSD. If all are functioning well, then you should evaluate the RAM for possible failures.

If the restarts are too frequent, you may need the intervention of a technician. The solution, in some cases, maybe to reset the RAM in a bid to address the underlying concerns.

4. Blue Screen of Death

Nothing under the sun is dreaded by computer users more than a blue screen.

That blue screen of death that's causing your anxiety could be a result of a faulty RAM. The blue screen often tends to appear when using memory-intensive applications.

If you end up with a blue screen each time your laptop or computer is performing memory-intensive commands, then you need to review the status of your RAM.

5. Beep Codes

When dealing with computers, it may be essential to pay attention to the sounds coming from the machine.

Often, that pure beeping sound when you turn on the device could be a tell-tale sign of RAM failure. You may hear a beep or a sequence of beeps, especially after turning on your laptop or computer.

Beeping sounds may vary depending on the BIOS. All the same, such codes often signify the onset of trouble with the RAM or an already existing issue within the system.

Reasons Behind Memory Failures

Most of the RAM faults you're likely to grapple with could be a result of many different causes.

Before you determine how to fix these issues, it would help to understand the probable causes of the situation.

1. Excessive Heat

There are days when your CPU simply acts up.

Such situations may lead to overheating and affect the functionality of your processor. A problem with the fanning system may arise because of such instances of heating.

Overheating can easily lead to RAM related faults on your PC. Dust particles and age are the main culprits in such cases.

2. Memory Module

Is your computer experiencing a notable issue with its memory module? These faults may easily lead to RAM failures.

3. Power Surges

Component damages may have lasting implications on the functionality of the RAM.

For most CPUs, power surges or unstable power connections are the main culprits that cause such RAM faults. If your area is prone to power surges, then you may have a high susceptibility to RAM failures.

So, how do you diagnose CPU for RAM failures?

When Did the Problem Start?

Understanding when the rains started beating you is essential.

If you started noticing memory failures after adding a memory stick, then the issue may be with the new module. You also need to check back and ensure that you have not made any changes that may affect the machine's memory.

Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tools

A good thing with Mac is that it's able to show you all the problems related to the RAM.

You only need to run a comprehensive diagnostic test of the system to determine the actual problem. Many diagnostic tools can help you identify the exact problem within the system.

How to Fix Ram issues

The diagnostic assessment will often present you with the solution to the RAM concerns you might have. However, it's not always or automatic that you'll get the actual diagnostic for the problem.

Either way, here are some of the ideas on how to fix RAM issues.

1. Reconnecting RAM Modules

Fixing RAM issues is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

You may need to deal with the issue based on the actual problem. For instance, if the issue is with a faulty connection on the RAM modules, then it's fixable. You only need to assess the hardware and ensure that the connection is proper.

If the RAM modules are not the actual problem, then this may only be a temporary solution. If the intervention solves your RAM problems, then you are in luck.

2. RAM Slot

One of the other standard solutions would be to assess the RAM slot. If the issue is with the RAM slots, then you may need to get in touch with your computer manufacturer. Depending on the warranty status, the manufacturer may sort your problem.

However, if your warranty has expired, it's still not all doom. You can always seek the interventions of an expert technician.

3. Reset RAM

Once you have figured out that the actual problem is not with the hardware or the modules, it would be essential to consider a reset of the RAM.

When dealing with faulty RAM, resetting the PRAM can be the only thing you need to do. For most Mac users, the process of resetting the PRAM is the same.

Resetting PRAM is the last resort when every other solution to RAM issues fail.

If you aren't keen enough, the process of resetting PRAM may lead to the loss of files and relevant data. You may also end up changing some crucial settings in the system, which may be a costly mistake.

The PRAM reset option, however, can help you deal with the concerns related to the functionality of the RAM.

You may need to create a backup before the process begins to ensure that your data is replicated elsewhere. Once the reset is complete, you will notice significant changes in the functional capability of your CPU.

You're likely to experience improved operational speeds with this option.

Considering the reduced clutter, your fan will also work better, hence reducing the risk of overheating. If you have been wondering how to reset PRAM, then this guide will help you sort all computer memory issues.

4. Buy another RAM

The process of swapping out RAM chips only takes 30 minutes. If the problem persists, you can always go the surest way, which is buying a new RAM. This would solve your RAM issues comprehensively.

The Ram Is at the Heart of Your CPU Performance

Memory is an integral part of your computer's performance and functionality. For this reason, you need to make sure that you resolve any functionality faults related to the RAM with the utmost urgency.

With this guide, all your questions on how to fix RAM issues are now answered. You can easily reset your PRAM and restore your machine to functional order in a jiffy.

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