What does it take to live forever? This question has been left unanswered by generations after generations of humans who have set foot in this earth and have become part of it. But a scientist claims that we are not far from knowing what it would feel like to live forever, or in this case even just a thousand years.
According to British Scientist, Dr. Aubrey de Grey who has been studying how to stop humans from ageing, the first human being who would live for more than 1,000 years could already be alive at this very day.
Dr. De Grey is a biomedical gerontologist and is also the chief science officer at the SENS Research Foundation. The foundation conducts research to develop and ensure wide spread access to therapies which aim to cure disabilities of aging. Dr. De Grey argued that it is possible for humans to reach the point of "longevity escape velocity," if scientific breakthroughs are able to keep pace with the ageing process.
However, the research remain incomplete up to this day since the scientist has requested a huge amount for research funding arguing that his work on stopping the ageing process will revolutionize humanity. Dr. De Grey told Express UK that in the past two decades there have been massive advances with regards to fight against aging.
Moreover, the doctor claims that the biggest obstacle stopping humans to live as long as a millennium is the lack of funding available. He said that even until this day that the field of studying the anti-ageing process is more established it is still very challenging to get enough resources that will move in the pace as fast as science allows.
On top of this, Dr. De Grey also argues that another obstacle that has to be overcome before a single person will be able to live for a thousand years is the attitude of humanity on the subject. He said that one of the fundamental problems with humanity is that even when it has been aware of ageing since civilisation began and has been aware of how horrifying it is to grow old, people simply try to cope with it by making the best of their lives, and not finding a solutions to put a stop to it.
He also said that nobody wants answers and everyone just carry on with living, believing that ageing is a blessing. However, he argued that it will come to a point when the research will prove to be achievable and all of the fears of getting hope up and being disappointed will be dismissed and everyone can be emotionally invested in the possibility of living an eternal life.
Some people say, the best part of living is knowing that one day, life would come to an end. This is because it gives the excitement of trying to survive every single second, minute and hour. They say that mortality is human's biggest curse and blessing. Most of us are afraid to grow old and fade away, but this fact is also the reason we live everyday as if it is already our last.
So the question now changes to - if you can live forever, will you?