Polygamy Decriminalized? Utah Women Has Divided Views

Allowing Polygamy in Utah
Utah is allowing polygamy soon. Is this the right move for women? Pixabay/024-657-834

Soon the practice of polygamy will not be a crime as Utah will make it legal. But, this comes with a backlash from some sectors in the state.

According to Shirlee Draper who was raised in a polygamist community, she did not have any pleasant things to say about the practice.

Growing up, she had a fear of those outside their community, she related, "We called people who drove into town that were not part of our community 'kidnappers'. We knew that was a fate we could suffer as our parents had suffered."

She is a former member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS), its leader Warren Jeffs and a polygamist head of the sect, is now charged with twin felony counts of child abuse. When she left the sect, only did she know how trapped they are.

Leaders used the fear of the law to control their members who did not know any better, Shirlee said. Polygamy is considered illegal in Utah, and she it took all of six years to leave the sect. She added," "I had no way to get help. Everywhere I went, I was visually identifiable as a felon, and I was greeted with hostility." Many of the members were under the control of their sect leaders.

One incident that she related about her mother is when she had to get a driver's license. Her mother was dressed in her FLDS clothing when she applied. The clerk refused her the requested and said that she was not wanted there. This resulted in the return of her mother to Colorado city. Her mother died with no access to modern medical care.

Shirlee Draper is director of operations for Cherish Families, that helps those affected by polygamy negatively. She added, "What we've done is we've legislated prejudicial treatment to a second-class citizenry." She also stressed, "Let's not create populations and communities that are vulnerable to that kind of exploitation and abuse."

Her organization is trying to help people of different color, sex workers, and undocumented immigrants who feel that they are not worthy. These people has higher risk of being exploited and harmed.

She is one of those who are supporting the legalization of polygamy for consenting adults that is sponsored by senator Deidre Henderson. The senator said that the goal of the legalization is to avoid abuse done through the practice of polygamy.

But there are still other felony charges that are still applicable if a polygamist does them. According to Senator Henderson, the law is balanced between law-abiding polygamists who should not be afraid if innocent and those who are doing things against the law.

In Utah, polygamy is a serious crime with the most polygamous unions anywhere in the US. Since polygamy became a crime in 1935, many polygamous families got separated. Others are hiding the real status of their families while there are some who formed sects that are part of a bigger group or just one of their own.

Another member from Shirlee Draper's sect is Brenda Nicholson, who echoes what she said. If the bill is approved in Utah, then the ordeal suffered by both women may be lessened.