First Coronavirus Death in UK Confirmed, Officials Execute 'Delay Phase'

The first coronavirus death is officially confirmed, as an elderly woman about 70 years old died on Thursday. Downing Street cautioned that the coronavirus might spread, warning the public to take necessary pre-cautions to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Said woman had no travel history abroad and no contact with any other victims. According to reports, patient was sent to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading on Wednesday, with a history of bad health conditions which has caused her repeated visits to the hospital, administrators said.

The victim was tested last Wednesday for the dreaded coronavirus, yet unfortunately, she passed away before her test results were even finished the next day.

This cause major concern as the cases of the coronavirus in Britain has now increased from 51 to 116. With this, officials ask all travelers coming from Italy and the north to self-isolate if they are not feeling good or if they are exhibiting signs of nCov.

All those who are confirmed positive with infections were ordered to stay at home instead of going to any hospital. This is a major change mandated by the officials to limit any chances of a spread in the community.

Prof Chris Whitty, the government's chief medical adviser for the UK, said that people who have minimal symptoms and can self-isolate. He added that it is better for them to self-isolate in their homes with support. However, hospitalization will still be given if needed.

This is only the first death from the eight already confirmed cases. To date, medical experts are troubled how they got infected since most of them are in Britain with no relation to the other cases. Chris Witty noticed the sudden increase which may indicate the need of a better method to deal with it which helped them arrive at the "delay phase" as part of the response.

The steps to be enacted under this to stave off other possible infections in the community will include shut down of schools to protect the student from getting infected. More people will be working from home, thus, reducing contact with possible victims who are not aware they are carriers. People are also advised to stay at home and lessen exposure outside the house.

According to Witty, school shutdowns will not be very effective and with limited effect. He also said that takes time to better understand coronavirus and further research is needed to create vaccines.

According to the spokesperson of Boris Johnson, delaying the virus may pose a huge possibility that it will spread out significantly.

The prime minister already updated on the virus scenario by the chief medical officer and other advisers during the official Cobra meeting.

The official line of the government as reported to the press is that they are working on preparations for the "delay phase" while focusing on steps to take to delay the spread of the virus.

Related article: Coronavirus Types: Scientists in China Discover Two New Strains of COVID-19
