In the interest of science, a lab in the UK will pay anyone to get infected by the coronavirus. Several things are required to do the job and chosen subjects are paid $4,500 to get injected and be part of the study. If anyone is interested in the job description, read on.
How many volunteers are needed for the study?
Researchers in the UK seeking 24 volunteers to participate in a medical trial, whose goal is to create an anti-viral for COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus, killing more than 3,800 with 110,000 infected cases worldwide.
What is the process of the test?
The viruses that make up this family of pathogens cause several kinds of diseases and infections, similar to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the common cold, and now COVID-19. When Chinese researchers released data of the coronavirus, many are girding to find an anti-viral to cure the infection and lessen the deaths.
The quarantine laboratory at Queen Mary BioEnterprises Innovation Centre in London is run by Hvivo as they try to create a vaccine for the COVID-19.
To avoid further delay in developing the anti-viral, Hvivo needs the authorization from the UK's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to start getting volunteer test subjects for the trials to push through, The Times report. The process will be done by injecting them with two weaker coronavirus types (0C43 and 229E) that causes a mild respiratory condition. Once infected, the participants will be given new vaccines and other medications in a strictly controlled environment.
The duration of the trials for voluntary coronavirus infectees
All the individuals who will give their consent to act as guinea pigs will follow the 14-day quarantine procedure with nurses and doctors looking over their condition during the experiments. According to the experts on the project, patients will have mild cough, or cold. Swabs and dirty tissues will be gathered to measure how infected the volunteers will get during their stay.
Preliminaries before the trial procedure
Before all volunteers begin the trial, their complete medical records will be acquired and a battery of medical tests with anti-body screening for coronaviruses will be conducted. Researchers like Andrew Catchpole, Hvivo's chief scientist, have remarked that everyone has been in contact with coronaviruses before the trials, indicating that some immunity has been acquired to the virus.
After checks are done what is next
Soon after all the voluntary infectees are cleared, each will get an injected shot of viral coronavirus strains, and the tests shall begin in earnest. John Oxford added that if the developed vaccine in the controlled lab conditions pans out, then it might work in actual conditions outside the lab.
Is Hvivo the only lab that is actively researching for a COVID-19 cure?
More than one lab is at work, trying to find a cure for COVID-19, with animal testing in its starting stages. If all goes well, then human tests will push early next month with a vaccine for release by early next year.
Those who are inclined to apply for Hvivo's virus lab trials to get the coronavirus intentionally will help in reaching a cure sooner. Look up Hvivo FluCamp online at this website.
Related article: Coronavirus Effects: How it Harms Human Body Organs