Social Distancing: Can It Really Help Lessen the Spread of Coronavirus?

Health experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now suggesting less exposure in all aspects. The virus spreads by infecting others through close contact so "social distancing" might be the answer to contain and delay the spread of the virus. This will help to avoid the chances to infect via coughs and sneezing that leaves droplets in the air, or objects from six feet apart.

The current statistics of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is hitting the roof as the official global pandemic is in full swing. About 113,000 cases and 3,900 deaths is tipping the global count into the red zone. The World Health Organization (WHO) is desperately trying to control the pandemic with governments, having difficulties that included first world countries as well.

What is social distancing?

Social distancing aims to lessen contact and reduce chances for the COVID-19 to infect more people. Avoid explicit circumstances where people congregate'or mass gathering settings. This inlcudes:

1. Concerts

2. Sporting events

3. Festivals

4. Closed spaces

5. Any place where people can mass together

By avoiding these rules, the occurrence of outbreaks in the general population is preventable. Some countries had the virus spread faster this way. Most individuals do not even know they are carriers until too late. Again, less contact will contain and delay the coronavirus better.

Is social distancing the same as self-isolation?

To avoid confusion between the two, social distancing and quarantine/isolation are two different things. Though both methods are similar in their goals of reducing the spread of the virus, the differ in many ways. Take note, there is no mistaking between the two.

1. Quarantine or Isolation will keep infected patient a room or a single area that is for them only.

2. Social distancing is applied anywhere, but it reminds everyone to avoid gathering to which may lead to positive infections.

Also read: How Coronavirus Infection Starts in the Body, Leading to Death

Social distancing according to a doctor

Dr. Susy Hota says that several types of measures are included in a general term. One of these ways is working from the house, or given that option by employers. Fewer mass events and gatherings that cluster people for probable coronavirus infection. All the approaches are different but there is a similar goal, which is to contain or delay the spread of virus.

Health officials are now implementing it as a last-ditch measure, with the failure of containment to attempt to control the rampaging corona-virus and control its spread.

Lastly, Denise Rousseau, a professor of organizational behavior and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University, said people should think this way in their daily life when interacting with others, especially now, with many cases and deaths everywhere.

How should people implement social distancing?

Denise Rousseau explains that contact cannot be avoided, even in an outbreak when most need to go out of the house for one reason or another. The whole point is to create a distance with everyone intentionally to avoid viral contamination. Even with limited contact with others, life goes on.

Social distancing is not even a choice, it is important when viral transmission for contact, aerosol transition is deadly. It would not be easy but most will get used to it in a tough time.

World health organization
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