Hindus Gather, Drink Cow Urine to Combat COVID-19

Members of All India Hindu Mahasabha drink cow urine as they attend a gaumutra (cow urine) party, which according to them helps warding off coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in New Delhi, India March 14, 2020. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

A certain Hindu group hosted a cow urine drinking party after many Hindus consider the animal sacred and drink its urine for medicinal properties. This happened after news that cow urine may ward off the novel coronavirus.

During the party that was organized by the president of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, Swami Chakrapani, people line up to get their share of 'kulhads', at a 'gaumutra party', after it was shared from kettles.

The event started after prayers were offered to the cow and to the coronavirus, pleading it to leave peacefully and stop killing more people. The events large poster backdrop depicted Hindu god Narsingh. Also, Chakrapani said that COVID-19 is a punishment for those who have a non-vegetarian diet.

Furthermore, he pledged that Indians would never eat meat again after asking for the forgiveness of the virus for eating meat. He also added that COVID-19 came because people there are people who kill and eat animal meat. Also saying that killing an animal causes the creation of energy that causes destruction, hence, the virus outbreak.

In addition, he also encouraged global leaders to import cow urine from India due to the fact that the almighty does not reside in any other foreign breed except Indian cows.

Around 200 people were in attendance and the organizers announced that they were hoping to host similar events in other places in the country. India has already recorded 84 COVID-19 cases and two deaths.

According to Daily Mail, Om Prakash an attendee of the event said that drinking cow urine has been a practice for at least 21 years, and aside from that, they also take a bath in cow dung. He also added that they have never felt compelled to take English medicine.

All India Hindu union chief, Chakrapani Maharaj, posed for a picture where he placed a urin0filled spoon near the face of a caricature which was supposedly the coronavirus. Some other photos showed the flocks of men and women drinking urine from ceramic and paper cups.

Cow urine as a cure for cancer

In the past, Hindu Nationalist Party's leaders have previously supported the advocacy that cow urine can be used as a cure for cancer. This previous claims on the healing qualities of cow urine also prompted another leader from Assam to suggest the usage of the urine to treat the disease which has recently been announced as a pandemic.

Last Saturday, India declared that that coronavirus virus is already a 'notified disaster', such announcement allowed the country to appropriate more funds and assistance in efforts to fight off the growing number of COVID-19 cases,

According to the Indian Health Ministry there are still more than 4,000 people in India who are under monitoring after contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases. They also added that there are already 10 people who have recovered from the disease in the country.

As of the moment, the coronavirus has already killed more than 6,400 and has infected ore than 167,000 globally.

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India, Coronavirus