3 Must Do's For Building Muscle Mass

3 Must Do's for Building Muscle Mass

Most of you are working out to try and build lean muscle mass. Are you moving forward to slow? Don't worry. We're here to help you!

Putting on muscle mass doesn't happen overnight. But with our three tips, you can definitely speed up your muscle growth.

Let's not waste any more time so you can start making use of these tips as soon as possible. Let's go!

#1 Hypertrophy training. This type of training is unique since it helps accelerate muscle growth. What most don't realize is that you control how you stimulate your muscles. Stimulation of the muscle happens during exercise. During certain exercises, you contract a specific muscle group.

The more you break down your muscle fibers with hypertrophy training, the harder your muscles will start to grow. You're giving your muscles no other choice than to grow.

It's simple. You split up your training routine by targeting each muscle group separately. Or, you could combine a large muscle group with a smaller muscle group. For example, on Monday, you can combine the chest with triceps. Same thing for back and biceps. First, you target the larger muscle group with 16 to 20 sets, followed by the smaller muscle group for 8 to 12 sets.

Make sure to follow this type of training for at least 2 to 3 months. Building a muscle base doesn't happen within several days, which is why it's essential to try a new routine for long periods.

#2 Bodybuilding Supplements. Before we give you more information regarding muscle growth supplements, we recommend incorporating these products after you've been lifting for several months. When you're just starting to work out, you'll already gain size extremely fast. Taking additional supplements won't be necessary. For those that are ready to start taking supplements, they will be an excellent addition if you want to increase muscle mass.

Now, which supplements are worth using? First, we recommend trying out legal steroids. They are natural products that mimic the effects of anabolic compounds. You can use them in cycles of 8 to 12 weeks for maximum results. During a period with these legal steroids, you will quickly start to notice several benefits. That includes accelerated muscle growth, more strength in the gym, and a boost in overall performance.

You can also check out branched-chain amino acids (BCAA's), pre-workout supplements, and testosterone boosters. Most bodybuilders use them to help enhance performance safely and naturally.

Some experienced lifters should even consider stacking several of these products together. But, when you stack them together, make sure to stick to the recommended dosages of the above products.

I also have to add that taking bodybuilding supplements is perfectly safe for your health. Of course, you don't want to overdo it, which is why it is advised to take a break from all supplements every few months.

#3 - Eat Enough Protein. Now, you can put in all the effort you want, but if you aren't eating enough protein, you are wasting your time. This is because protein is essential for muscle growth. After all, they are the building blocks.

If you're already working out, start increasing your protein intake as soon as possible. You can get protein from a lot of different food sources. A few good protein sources are meat, eggs, and milk. If you're 175lbs, start aiming for 175g of protein a day. I know it's a lot at 1g of protein per lb but, it will be worth it once the gains start showing off.

Of course, it's also crucial to get in plenty of carbohydrates and healthy fats. If you're serious about gaining mass, we suggest eating food sources such as rice, oats, and nuts because they add real value to your diet. Make sure to implement these tips as soon as possible if you want to up your game. It takes weeks to start seeing progress, so you want to start sooner than later.