Are you interested in the photo report? Then, after taking a photography course, here's what you should bring along when you go on a photo shoot.
All photographers say it, minimum equipment is best. Joël Robine has covered most of the major conflicts for 30 years. He explains: "A 24mm, a 70-200 which is a small telephoto lens. I also like to work with a 50mm"
When it comes to covering conflict areas, flash is banned for obvious reasons of discretion. But today's cameras allow you to work with high sensitivity. The cameras can now be raised up to ISO 10,000, without noise and with exceptional rendering.
The batteries now have a very long autonomy, as Bernard Thomas, head of the CPS department at Canon explains: "We can leave with two fairly compact batteries and ensure 3 days, 4 days of shooting". The problem of access to electricity in some remote areas does exist, but new equipment that plugs into the car or the existence of solar panels allow us to get around the problem.