Elderly Man Jumps From Manhattan Apartment While in COVID-19 Isolation

The remains of the 64-year-old man were splattered across the courtyard of a luxury high-rise Manhattan apartment block after he leaped from the 16th floor to his death, March 20.

The yet to be identified male jumped from the 16th floor of the Tribeca Park building on Chambera Street where he lived at around 11 pm causing his instantaneous death.

In a statement a building resident who refused to be named she only came down for a smoke break when she was told that there is someone who jumped from the building.

Incident may be connected to COVID-19 isolation measures

Based on speculations from the neighborhood the apparent suicide is related to the self-isolation measures imposed by the state in efforts contain coronavirus and they pointed out that there can be mental health issue factor which caused the suicide.

Despite the speculations in the area, The Police have not linked the death to coronavirus or the lockdown measure in New York.

Read also: Comprehensive Shutdown For All Non-essential Services in NSW, Victoria and ACT Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the order on March 20 which affected 19 million residents who are restricted for gatherings of any size or for any reason including parties and celebrations and even workers in nonessential businesses to stay at home.

COVID-19 affects Rikers Island and other Prisons

While people isolated in their own homes feel they are in prison, New York prisons were hit by the nation's largest coronavirus jail outbreak with 38 people testing positive inside the Rikers Island complex and nearby facilities shared by the board overseeing the city's jail system on March 21.

Having the largest number of people incarcerated in the world, the United States and its tightly packed, fluid population with high rates of health problems feared that an outbreak can easily spread through a vast network prison and there will be elevated risks especially when it comes to the elderly and the interns in the facilities.

More than a week ago, the tests from inside the prisons started to reveal positive results, with less than two dozen officers and personnel infected in other facilities from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California.

Jacqueline Sherman, Board of Correction interim chairwoman pointed out on her letter to New York's Criminal Justice Leaders that they are a jail system in crisis as she shared information about the 12 Department of Correction employees, five Correctional Health Services employees, and 21 people in custody at Rikers and city jails had tested positive with COVID-19 and at least 58 are still under monitoring in the prison's contagious disease and quarantine units.

Sending a warning that cases could skyrocket, Sherman discussed that persons who tested positive have been in hundreds of housing areas and common areas over recent weeks and have been in close contact with many other people in custody and staf. She proposed that the best path forward to protect the community of people housed and working in the jails is to rapidly decrease the number of people housed and working in them to contain the pandemic coronavirus.

Related article: NY Governor Cuomo Discusses State's Plans to Mitigate COVID-19 Spread

Suicide, New York, Isolation, Coronavirus