Virtual Road Trip With President Obama Will Allow Users To Ask Questions

Google and President Barack Obama have gotten together to produce the first ever Google+ Hangout virtual road trip as the President uses other social media tools to give an inside view of the preparations for the State of the Union address.

An announcement on the Google blog written by Ramya Raghavan, Head of Google+ Politics and Causes, says President Obama will participate in a "virtual whistlestop tour" which will include numerous Google+ Hangouts next Friday, Jan. 31.

The event is being promoted as the "Presidential Hangout Road Trip" and was created with the purpose of allowing users with questions about the issues addressed in Tuesday's speech to be given the opportunity to ask them.

Users who want a chance to have their questions answered by the President can submit their 60-second videos to YouTube or Google+ with the hashtag #AskObama2014 for a chance to have their questions answered.

The video should include the persons name, location and a bit of background information about your self along with the question you want to ask.

On Jan. 31, Obama will begin to "travel" the country during a virtual tour as he jumps from Google+ Hangout to Hangout with people from all across the nation to answer questions and listen to their opinions.

The virtual road trip isn't the only way the president is implementing social media. The Obama administration posted photos of the behind the scenes process of writing the State of the Union address, CNN reported.

Cody Keenan, the President's chief speechwriter, began uploading pictures to the White House's Instagram account on Wednesday to show the process of writing the speech, according to CNN.

Obama's Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett kept uploading photos on Thursday on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #InsideSOTU, CNN reported.

One of the pictures displays the actual paper and text of the address with edits and revision marks all over, according to CNN. In another, a speech writer identified only as Laura is seen calling someone to get permission for the President to use a letter they once sent him.

Tuesday's address will be President Obama's fifth State of the Union speech and the President has already labeled 2014 as the "Year of Action," CNN reported.