Potato Soup Was 90-Year-Old Woman’s Secret Weapon Against COVID-19

WASHINGTON - After overcoming coronavirus, a 90-year-old woman praised God, her family and her homemade potato soup for aiding her in battling the pandemic.

In an interview with Gold Morning America, the 90-year-old Kirkland, Washington native narrated that she beat the coronavirus for she has a lot to live for and God gave her the strength.

Living independently in an apartment, Wood, a mother of five spent 2020's first few months recovering from a stroke in Life Care Center, the facility responsible for the epicenter of the United States COVID-19 outbreak.

Ready to be discharged, Wood fell and broke her hip March 4 just days before her discharge date forcing her to stay at the nursing home where she contracted the virus after two days as shared by one of her daughters, Cami Neidigh.

After losing all her ability to take care of herself because of stroke, Life Care Center taught her how to live again but when they received the news about coronavirus all of them were shocked, Neidigh added.

She also shared that along with her siblings, they received a call from the Doctor taking care of their mother, notifying them that she may only have 24hours to live prompting them to rush into the facility but they could only see her through a window because of safety precautions.

One of the lucky families who could suit up and go in one-by-one and hold their mother's hands but not hug her, Neidigh and her siblings talked to their mother who's telling her goodbyes on the 10th and the next day on 11th, the rules changed as Wood was placed in total isolation.

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Transported to a local hospital, Wood's family continued to see her where she was placed in isolation.

Wood's family brought her homemade potato soup to the hospital where they stored it in a refrigerator and once Wood requests the staff the soup they would bring some to her hospital room, A nurse shared.

Without eating about a week, Wood only had her appetite once her family brought the homemade soup and once she was able to see them through the window for it is her comfort food as per Neidigh.

After days in isolation, last week, Neidigh along with her brothers and sisters received the news that their mother was clear of the coronavirus.

Surviving the Virus

The hospital contacted Wood's family informing them that they could hug their 90-year-old mother wherein their mother responded with the longest and hardest hug that they could experience in their lives.

Could not return to a nursing home because of her history of COVID-19, Wood stayed in her apartment where her children are all pitching in to give her the round-the-clock care and despite having a bit of cough due to the residual lung damage, Wood is on her way to recovery.

With the US topping the list of Coronavirus infected countries, the state of Washington has a total of 3,723 confirmed cases of the virus and 175 reported deaths from the pandemic, numbers of cleared patients from the COVID-19 in the whole country is not confirmed yet by the government.

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Coronavirus, Survivor