Coronavirus Second Wave? Chinese Markets Sell Bats After COVID-19 Cases Turn Zero

The last time Chinese markets were selling bats, it was when the coronavirus ran amuck in Wuhan and started this pandemic that caused all these lockdowns. Now, these markets are once again open and can be a source of another epidemic.

It was recently announced that there are no more coronavirus cases in the area. However, there are doubts about this report.

Last January, the wet markets of Wuhan was the alledged source of coronavirus wherein five workers from this market were infected by the virus detected by Dr Li Wenliang.

Are bats the carrier of coronavirus?

Scientists are in agreement that bats were the source of the pathogen that escaped to infect other animals or humans eating the meat would have ingested the virus directly.

Bats are carriers of many coronaviruses and are the same source of the SARS coronavirus epidemic that also came from a Chinese wet market.

Back in February 24, the Chinese people's congress decided to close all the markets that sell many animals species including poached and endangered species. These animals are sold dead or alive.

According to the British Daily Mail newspaper, 'Will they ever learn? Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates victory over coronavirus."

The Mail added that one source admitted that the markets are back to business, as they did and are not afraid of new outbreaks, even with coronavirus linked to bats.

Other details revealed by the Mail include reports of dogs and cats that were occupying crowded and rusted cages. Bats and scorpions were for sale as traditional medicine with rabbits and duck killed and skinned on a filthy stone floor that was unsanitary by all means.

One of the Mail's in-country correspondent went to a similar market in Guilin, southwest China. On sale was fresh dog and cat meat, and pitifully cramped dogs in terrible cages. The story submitted had a photo of caged cats which will be chopped up by the butcher.

The Mail released a story with documentary evidence how the mainland Chinese prepared these dogs by boiling them alive or tossing them on a burning hot grill.

Another of the Mail's local correspondents in Dongguan, Southern China reported that a pharmacy is reopening for business with bats as one of its products.

There are also reports about alledged coverups about the virus.

First victims of the COVID-19 was traced to Wuhan as the epicenter of the outbreak. American official accuses the Chinese Communist Party of keeping the virus secret. China even claimed that the transmission was not possible to humans.

Despite the clear evidence, the World Health Organization did not declare and pandemic on January 23.

The Beijing leadership moved to silence the whistleblowers, who knew the truth. One of them, Dr Li Wenliang who later died from the coronavirus (claimed by the authorities), from patients.

The Chinese were permitted to travel to other places like the U.S. in December and January before he shut them out of American territory on February 1.

The situation now

According to the Washington Times, Communist China has once again allowed wild animal markets to operate. They offer live bats, raccoons, civets and other species. The report adds that a "series of studies shows the animals are teeming with viruses that threaten humans."
