Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio Limits Inmates Who Damage American Flag To Bread And Water

Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio announced on Friday that inmates who damage the U.S. flag are limited to a diet of bread and water, without utensils, for two weeks, reported.

"I run a patriotic jail system," Arpaio said. "I am somewhat disappointed that 38 inmates recently desecrated the flags, tearing them up and writing on them and throwing them in the toilet. It's a disgrace to those who have fought for our country."

According to NBC, the bread loaf is made up of ground-up fruits, vegetables, milk powder, dough, and other ingredients to fulfill the nutritional requirements.

When asked if he knew why inmates had ruined some of the flags, he said he was unsure though doesn't "believe there is any conspiracy" in the prison.

A report by CNN said the flags were placed in the prison in November, in addition to playing the "Star Spangled Banner" over the intercom every morning and "God Bless American" at night, after the sheriff started hiring more veterans.

Arpaio is not new to making controversial statements and actions. He previously forced some inmates wear pink underwear and accused President Barack Obama of not having a legitimate birth certificate. Additionally, a federal judge ruled that his office was racially profiling Latino citizens -- a ruling he is appealing.

The Arizona branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) did not comment on the matter.

"This is not a First Amendment situation," Arpaio added. "When they tamper with the flag, they are tampering with government property."

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