Titanic Artifacts: 12 Most Shocking Things Discovered from the Wreck

The Titanic sank on April 14, 1912, but it became a legend soon after when 13 shocking items where picked up from the Titanic's wreckage which appears like the ones of the ship were alive again.

Found on the sea floor are the last vestiges of those who died that night when Titanic sunk. These were taken to the surface and examined by explorers.

These items are remembrances of those who were once living- a chilling reminder about life in the first 20 years of the 20th century when a generation was moving forward. Here are the haunting items from those claimed by the sea.

1. A pair of white gloves found in the wreckage.

White gloves that were worn by one of the passengers were found. It was part of many exhibitions but it was last seen in 2016 since it was sent for conservation permanently.

2. A violin.

When the ship sank, the sound of a violin as the last music heard by the doomed passengers. The violin owned by the bandleader Wallace Hartley which he used to play "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the ship sank was sold in an auction for $1.7 million in the UK in 2013.

3. The ship's bell.

When the iceberg struck, the bell rung to warn the passengers. This was found and remains as a grim reminder of what happened in the ocean. The expedition was able to retrieve the bell from the crow's nest and is part of the display at the Titanic Museum in Massachusetts. This was the first and last warning before the ship's hull was torn apart.

4. The last menu.

The last menu which shows the last meal including eggs Argenteuil, consomme fermier, and chicken a la Maryland on the first-class deck, it was sold for $83,000.

5. Sheet music last played before the violinists drowned.

Submerged in the deep for 73-years is a sheet music that was the last show for the doomed violinists. Printed on it is the song "Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey" from the 1910 Broadway production of Madame Sherry.

6. A note.

The last thoughts by a first-class passenger Oskar Holverson before the ship went down was written in a note. It was found in a notebook, which was one of the items from the drowned passengers. It was sold for $166,000 by U.K. auction house Henry Aldridge and Son.

7. A fur coat.

One stewardess survived and kept her fur coat after all those years. The story goes that first-class stewardess Mabel Bennett was just wearing a nightgown. So she was given a fur coat to wear. She was one of the survivors. Said fur coat was sold for $165,000 in 2017, in an auction.

Miss Bennett was 33 years old when the ship sank and she died in 1974 at 96.

8. Bronze cherub from the grand staircase.

This is the statue on the upper landing of the ships grand staircase that was salvaged in 1985.

9. Keys to the lifeboat lanterns.

These keys were used by Samuel Hemming on of the crew to open a door with lifeboat lanterns for emergencies.

10. A bracelet.

A bracelet owned by a third-class passenger with engravings was found from the ship wreck. One of the modern artefacts is a woman's 15-karat rose gold and silver bracelet with the name Amy encrusted in diamonds. A 1998 book by Judith Geller, said it might be Amy Stanley, a 3rd class seater.

11. A vest.

This vest is another item from a third-class passenger. William Henry Allen owned the vest which was sold at Guernsey's Auctioneers in 2012, nearly a century after the tragedy occurred.

12. A perfume bottle for American success.

German-born chemist Adolphe Saalfeld had a bagful of German-born chemist Adolphe Saalfeld on the ship. He was to open a shop in America but drowned in the briny deep.

These 12-shocking items were found in depths of Titanic's wreck which are haunting momentos of those who drowned.
