The coronavirus pandemic has now infected more than 1.9 million people around the world and has killed more than 150,000 people. Medical experts are tirelessly researching and studying about the symptoms of the virus in order to it to be easier to spot if one is infected.
There are two major symptoms of the virus that are already known to the public, persistent cough and fever. Those who are suffering from those two symptoms are urged to stay home and self-isolate. However, some people who have the virus are asymptomatic, meaning they carry it but they do not experience any symptoms and they only act as a vessel for the virus until they can pass it on to those who are considered high-risk.
A new research shows that there might be a new way to detect whether you have been exposed to COVID-19, even without any symptoms, and the answer could be found in your feet.
Coronavirus sign on your feet
Medical experts in Spain are currently investigating whether those who have the virus could be identified by lesions on the feet. On April 9, the Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist Colleges shared a statement revealing that several coronavirus patients had lesions on their feet.
According to the statement, the purple lesions are very similar to those of measles, chickenpox or chilblains, and they usually appear on the toes and normally health without leaving any mark. The experts added that it was a curious finding which had also been observed in numerous COVID-19 patients in France and Italy, as well as in Spain, according to podiatrists and dermatologists.
The lesions were more commonly noticed in younger people with the virus, including children and teenagers, although some adults were also found to have lesions on their toes. The medical experts encouraged people to keep an eye out for lesions by stating that the Council of Podiatrists urges its Colleges and its members to be vigilant because lesions could be a sign of COVID-19 detection that can help avoid contagion.
But experts also warned that they did not have enough scientific evidence yet to say for certain that it was an official symptom of the coronavirus. The experts added that due to the short time elapsed, scientific evidence can't be discussed yet.
This statement comes after The International Federation of Podiatrists shared the first case study of a coronavirus patient with lesions on their feet. A 13-year-old boy fell ill and medical experts spotted lesions on his feet. They initially thought that the child had been bitten by a spider, but after a few days, he began showing coronavirus symptoms.
What to do if you think you have coronavirus?
If you think you are showing coronavirus symptoms, experts suggest to not leave your home. In order to protect the people around you, do not go to places like the hospital, GP surgery, pharmacy, grocery stores and other places where a lot of people could be gathered.
If you live in the US, call your health provider or call 911 for assistance. If you live in the UK, use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do. Only call the said hotlines if you can't get any help or if you are calling about a baby or a child. If your child seems very ill, and the symptoms are getting worse, do not delay getting help and call the hotline right away.