Take advantage of the social aspect of games
What can you do when you're stuck at home? You can get started on those projects you've been wanting to start. Clean out your closet. Sort out that pile of laundry on your floor. Tidy up your space. Shrink the backlog of books/games you've been meaning to read/play.
However, none of those can actually fill the need for socialization-not really. Let's face it, talking to the same people day in and day out gets old quickly. If you're the type to revel in meeting new people, you're probably stir crazy by now. Good thing MMOs such as Path of Exile exist! That's right, even as you grind for PoE orbs, and PoE Uniques, you can meet new people and make friends!
Games as an Avenue for Socialization
You'll hear stories now and again, about lifelong friends meeting each other online. Some of the stronger bonds come from playing the same games together. In a way, you don't bond with people you meet from other apps as much as when you meet them while playing games.
Internet anonymity allows for the reinvention of your character. The thing is, you can't change who you are inside. People you meet from dating apps and chat roulettes won't show their real character until sometime into the relationship. Games, however, can bring out the best-and worst-of people.
In-game actions can betray real intentions, and actions speak more than words. Sure, a character can be sociable and friendly, but how do they lead their party? Do they follow the unspoken etiquette of looting? Are they a troll for everybody's fun or just their own? When you're talking to people in a chat, you never see actions. Talking to people in-game and playing with them, you'll see a glimpse. Sure, it's not as big as being able to read body language, but it's an insight you don't get in social media.
Another major factor in building bonds with other people is shared experiences. You share the joy and triumph of beating a difficult boss. Embarrassing moments, adrenaline-fueled fights, or just shooting the breeze all add to your bonds with friends you play with. Role-playing and making stories also build up relationships. Games, MMOs especially, are an avenue for all of these things!
Give Some Space to Caution
Of course, we can't discount the fact that some people are just too good at covering up their tracks. They play their part perfectly, and yet are actually jerks in real life. There's also the kind of people who take pride as they catfish others or trick them somehow. Otherwise, their online persona can be the total opposite of their real-life persona. In those cases, their online persona is what they wish to show in real life, but something keeps them from doing so. People are complicated, which makes relationships complicated.
It's up to you (and them, it's a two-way street) to decide if the relationships are worth keeping. The best friendships come from shared interests and experiences, and a mutual investment of time and effort. In this time of quarantine, it's the closest thing to hanging out and partying with your friends.
So stay in and play! Farm those PoE currency, WoW or OSRS gold. As you do that, make friends. Maybe when all of this blows over, you can make plans to meet in real life. Alone doesn't have to always mean lonely. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep healthy.
Above all else, be safe!