Getting a relaxing massage after a long day at work can be one of life's best moments. Massages do not only relieve stress, but it can also help loosen up tight muscles and improve blood flow. The thing is, you won't always have the time to go to a massage parlor, even if you want to get a massage. This is where the massage chair comes in handy.
Massage chairs are capable of replicating massage techniques, and they can be very comfortable and relaxing too. There are a lot of massage chairs on the market, so looking for a good one can be difficult. Here are some of the best massage chairs that you can purchase to experience relaxation in the comfort of your own home.
The Kahuna Massage Chair has advanced technology AIR FLOAT 3D+ massage mechanism on the SL-Track system that provides the ultimate custom and comfortable massage following the curvature of each user's spine to buttocks. This massage chair is built to perform gentle and silent transitions while massaging and reclining and it also provides the advantage of a firm and strong massages.
The newly renovated technology allows peaceful and calm massages and having people to enjoy the massage and minimize interruption of sounds. The newly invented infrared heating rollers mechanism allows the heating to penetrate into muscle tissues, causing the blood vessels to open and promote better blood circulation from the neck to lower back and soothe, stimulate, and detox the physical body.
The RELAXONCHAIR Shiatsu Massage Chair has three stages of ultra automatic zero gravity multi-function massage chair. The zero gravity chairs elevate your feet to the same level as your heart, thus minimizing the strain of gravity on your vertebrae, relieving the discomfort of back pain. Your heart can work less and you can relax more. It is made of high-quality materials, from top quality soft grained synthetic leather to enhance your experience to lightweight for easy mobility, the massage chair is made with user-friendliness in mind.
The ideal massage Full Featured Shiatsu Chair is a zero gravity massage chair and it has one of the longest tracks in the industry. This full-body massage chair will give the best massage possible with its 10 incredible massage programs like swing, full-body stretch, full body massage, relax and so much more. There are 6 different massage techniques like tapping, kneading, Shiatsu Massage, combo Kneading/Tapping, knocking and rolling.
It has a Smart 3D massage chair with Auto Height Detection. You can lay back and let the smart 3D scan customize each massage to the user's height. With its 3 full zero gravity positions, you can have full comfort. It is space-saving with forward sliding option so you only need a few inches from the wall to recline the chair. It has a beautiful design with accent stitching. It also comes with a dual-layer head cushion for ultimate comfort. It also has air acupressure and multi-chambered airbags for noise reduction, durability, and effective massage techniques.