‘Hive-Like’ Skin Rashes May Be a New Sign of COVID-19

Skin Rashes

The French National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists or SNDV (skin and sexually transmitted disease doctors) has revealed that aside from the usual respiratory symptoms, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may also cause dermatological symptoms to patients.

As the number of symptoms which are found to be associated to COVID-19 but affect the outside the respiratory system continues to grow, the SNDV said that a number of patients with COVID-19 have been observed to have exhibited skin manifestations of the infection such as pseudo-frostbite, hives and persistent, sometimes painful redness.

Moreover, the organization also said that the said dermatological symptoms may appear in COVID-19 patients who do not exhibit flu-like or respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and fever.

According to the spokesman for SNDV, the analysis of the said cases n symptoms may be manifestations which can be associated with the continued morbidity of COVID-19. They also released the statement to alert the public and medical professionals so that they will be able to detect these patients who may possibly be contagious as quickly as possible in efforts to control the continued spread of the disease.

Aside from the "hive-like" rashes, Spanish medical experts have also previously observed that some patients with coronavirus have purple lesions on their feet.

COVID-19 Symptoms or Drug Side Effects?

Meanwhile, dermatologists in northern Italy were also called in to help with the pandemic in order to observe the possible manifestations of the virus in the patients' skins.

According to a post in Florida Today, the rash found in the skins of the patients may not be due to the virus instead a possible reaction to the drug which have been given to them. This is because, in some patients, the rashes were only observed within the first 15 days of being introduced to a new medication.

Moreover, the article also said that the rashes seen on those patients' bodies were red, blotchy or the so-called livedoid eruptions, widespread hives. They also said that the rashes were mostly observed in the trunk area of the said patients.

In a statement by a dermatologist from Alessandro Manzoni Hospital, Dr. Sebastiano Recalcati, he said that the skin manifestations observed are also similar to those which are observed in common viral infections.

New Symptoms of COVID-19

In the past few months, multiple new symptoms have been discovered which can possibly be associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

It can be recalled that in late March both the American Academy of Otolaryngology and the British Rhinological Society reported that there is anecdota evidence that indicates a loss of the senses of taste and smell could be a sign of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, medical professionals are still unsure of what is causing the loss of these senses.

Aside from these, some COVID-19 patients have also been observed to have experienced neurological issues such as confusion, stroke, and seizures.

At the moment, there have been no studies done on most of the newly realized symptoms of COVID-19 since medical experts still have their hands full while fighting the virus in the frontline.

Coronavirus, Symptoms