Consumers utilize an average of approximately 57 toilet tissue sheets per day. Toilet paper is believed to be one of the favorable 20th-century conveniences that we take for granted. With the onset of panic buying of bathroom tissue and other paper goods due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now could be the right time to upgrade your toilets with modern technology.
A bidet seat can help save paper products and improve your hygiene. The added luxury to your bathroom experience is also not bad. Sales of these toilet attachments have skyrocketed.
According to Jason Ojalvo, CEO of the bidet company Tushy, he believes this might be the tipping point that will prompt Americans to start using bidets.
Here are our picks for suitable models for your home:
1. Toto Washlet C100 (Click the link to check the price)
(Click the photo to check the price)
The Toto Washlet C100 is a more modern option with a higher price tag as it offers an elongated or round seat with dual nozzles with a plethora of features.
This electronic luxury seat rinses you with warm water to provide an exceptionally clean feeling. Features include the soft-close seat, standard front and rear wash, and 1-year limited warranty.
It is straightforward and easy-to-use, emphasizing how easy it can be sat on and used without any need for "training."
2. SmartBidet SB-2000WE (Click the link to check the price)
(Click the photo to check the price)
SmartBidet SB-2000WE has several useful wash functions and is operated by a simple control panel according to your personal preferences.
Selections for main wash options include backwash for males, backwash for females and front wash for females.
This electric bidet seat merges both functionality and affordability.
Made in the Republic of Korea, it offers the features you would expect from expensive Japanese manufacturers, but at an affordable price.
3. Brondell S1000-EW Swash 1000 (Click the link to check the price)
Awarded and lauded by several prestigious organizations including "Popular Science" and "Good Housekeeping," other products could not surpass Brondell S1000 for quality, cleanliness, and longevity.
This most expensive and popular model is designed and upgraded in a distinctive way that all family members from a child to a senior member can be provided health and hygiene benefits.
4. GenieBidet Seat (Click the link to check the price)
(Click the photo to check the price)
This product was manufactured by a fairly new Canadian company, Ellegantz, this non-electric bidet has a clean and simple design. Unlike most electric models, there are not many buttons and resembles your existing toilet seat.
This non-electric toilet seat has no need for an outlet, you merely need to screw on the seat and connect it to a hose. The GenieBidet Seat also has no need for sizable wiring with useful features at a cheaper cost.
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