
Harvard Study Warns the Coronavirus Will Re-Emerge up to 2024

Harvard Study Warns the Coronavirus Will Re-Emerge up to 2024 Watch Out
The current epidemic will have another shot at wreaking the normalcy we gain in 2024. Most countries will need to prepare and do what's needed, especially the western powers that will be the blunting end in the coronavirus conflict. Pixabay/Rebecca Holm

According to a Harvard study, we are not out of the woods yet because the coronavirus will re-emerge until 2024.

What this means is that by 2024, the contagion is still a threat to most countries who suffer deaths by the thousands. This may indicate that we will need to keep social distancing to prevent any outbreaks and to control the existing pandemic.

The findings were more conservative that matched President Trump's outlook that was forward-looking, that most states could get started will less social distancing by April's end.

Details of the study

The study was done by five researchers connected to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, then published it in the journal Science on Tuesday. Its theme is about the re-emergence of the coronavirus as imminent in four years.

Based on the study, the maintenance of social distancing should not remain as draconian as now and whether it should be implemented for two years straight as the "new norma." Instead, there should be intermittent social distancing as a preventive measure. Having a vaccine is critical to normalize everything. It should have the capacity to deal with a large number of patients.

Letting down our guard is not smart, even if the COVID-19 seems to abate it should not mean that is 100% gone if a resurgent wave of the coronavirus can escape notice which can happen in 2024. This was mentioned by the proponents of the study.

Because of the threat presented by the coronavirus, countries for the first time have all adopted social distancing, school closures, and staying at home to stave off the virus. All these activities should be followed, even if the results are dire for many. It's that or the coronavirus kills a chunk of populations.

This pandemic that was ignored by the WHO until it was too late, is one of the biggest threats to the world from the second world war. To date, the deaths from COVID 19 is 130k -/+, infecting more than 2 million all over the globe.

After Italy and China, the U.S. has gotten 792,759 cases and 42,514 deaths as of April. 21,2020. America has its modern Pearl Harbor in March 2020, as the virus took so many lives in New York, with Hart Island as a giant mass grave for Americans dying from the virus of foreign origin.

Are we ready for the next four years?

The impact is so great that WHO has warned that the contagion is not at its peak! And the International Monetary Fund has said the recession told the U.S., this will be one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression.

China, the country which is now under enquiry about the origin of the coronavirus, has begun to lift their lockdown before other countries do.

Even social distancing is less than before, as the Beijing regime 'declares' victory over the coronavirus. But, they still have measures like keeping control on the populace.

Some Euro states are moving with baby steps to restart their sleeping economies until all is normal again.

President Trump is optimistic that the distancing measures will be lifted in the U.S. when all back-ups are in place. He targets May 1 as the opening date.

When the coronavirus does re-emerge in 2024, one big factor is the immunity that can be developed, soon after in 5 or more years it will diminish.

Coronavirus, Vaccines
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