Pennsylvania Hospital Sends Dead COVID-19 Patients in Pickup Trucks

As more victims die from the COVID-19, this results in an overload of cadavers in hospitals since most of them have limited spacse to store the deceased. Even transport is not enough, leaving them with no choice but to use pickup trucks to carry corpses which are stacked together.

The increasing death toll makes the pandemic hard to handle. What adds to their predicament is the lack of logistics to deal with mountains of bodies.

Images of a large Ford pickup truck with a load of withered corpses who died from coronavirus, were shared online. It disturbs many that the bodies are merely stacked together and some men were stepping on them.The bodies were delivered to Medical Examiner's Office in Philadelphia.

Dead people by the dozens

According to the Medical Examiner's Office, one truckload of bodies which are about 5 or 6, were dumped without any adieu. Families cannot even get a glimpse of their dead loved ones.

All the bodies were brought to the place where these will be stored in freezer trailers. Bodies are stored there as hospitals and funeral parlors are packed with former patients who suffered the worst.

So far, Pennsylvania has recorded about 34,000 cases of COVID-19 and over 1,300 deaths caused by the foreign virus. Most of the coronavirus cases were in Philadelphia with 9500 cases and 370 dead from exposure to the virus.

How did the bodies get delivered in such away

COVID-19 has turned everything topsy turvy, the bodies which are unceremonious dumped like stacks of meat is only one sign that the pandemic is worse than the worst! All the hospitals are filled with dead people. There is PPE shortage, and health workers are working hard despite lack of sleep and rest. Morgues are not able to take every dead body because they pile up fast. It seems that there are more dead than living in these places where the COVID-19 landed.

One of the employee was surprised when he saw many bodies on the truck one Sunday afternoon. He's used to this since it is part of his job. But what he witnessed shocked him.The employee hauled out the dead and it was a lot!

Three freezer trailers were waiting to be used. Once the bodies are taken to their area, these are placed on a gurney and laid to rest like slabs of meant on hooks. Freezer trucks was one of their last destinations.

Officials did not say where the bodies came from, though observant eyes saw that they came from, Albert Einstein Medical and Einstein Med Center.

James Garrow, of the Philadelphia's public health department, stressed that the deliver is a just an isolated event, though not proper procedure for coronavirus victims.

He was quoted in a statement to Trib Live,"The Medical Examiner's Office regularly works with hospitals throughout Philadelphia to ensure that bodies are treated with the utmost dignity and respect. Part of that relationship is well-established and long-standing transportation protocols."

Last Sunday, the protocols were not followed and is not acceptable. There was no confirmation, if the bodies were coronavirus victims.

In a last update the Einstein Healthcare Network demanded an explanation why the bodies were in pickup trucks.